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I: The Opening of the Gates: Basic knowledge of Set-Typhon, acquisition of tools to work with SetTyphon, study of basic sorcery and sympathetic magic.
Required Reading: Seven Faces of Darkness by Don Webb, Hermetic Magic by Stephen Flowers,
Black Magic by Michael Aquino, Black Magic and Satanism by Cort Williams, Titanic Satanism
Practical Work: Consecration of Magical Tools, Rite of Dedication, Scrying, Oneiric Magic exercise
II: : Practice of basic sorcery(curse magic, talisman creation), study and practice of divination,
understanding of LHP philosophy,
Required Reading:
Practical Work: Creation of a defixione or binding spell, experiments with divination with record of
results, invocation of Set
V: Warlord-The destruction of a universe. Unleashing the terrible Martial power of TyphonApophis, the most radically destructive aspect of Set-Typhon, upon the cosmic order as a means of
transcending it.
VII: Draconian Magus:

Typhonian Satanism: The Seven Gates of the Dragon

Typhonian Satanism is the name given to the school of initiation taught by the Order of the Ebon
Spire which focuses on mastering the energies of the adversarial godform Set-Typhon as a means of
furthering the process of the evolution of the self, the subversion of the cosmic order of Ma'at, and
the awakening of the hidden Draconian essence which lies dormant in the blood of the Elect.
Typhonian Satanism views Set and his Greek archdaimonic counterpart, Typhon, as exemplars of
the adversarial process of Lawless Becoming. Typhonian Satanism teaches that a tiny fraction of
humanity, the Elect, have been gifted with the spark of the Khem Sedjet, or Black Flame, which is
the hidden adversarial esssence which links Set(Egyptian transgressive god of disorder) and
Typhon(Greek archdaimonic champion of primal chaos). The Elect possess the potential to awaken
this spark of the Black Flame and utilize it to empower their own self-willed process of Satanic
Set-Typhon is a godform which is the synthesis of the transgressive Egyptian god Set with the

Greek archdaemonic champion of primal chaos, Typhon. Set-Typhon partakes of the nature of both
of these august potencies, but at the same time possesses a unique and distinct essence.
Understanding how Set and Typhon's essences combine, and, in a sense, procreate to produce the
godform Set-Typhon is a part of the process of Typhonian initiation. However, this much can be
said: The markedly martial character of Typhon(whose single purpose is to overthrow the rule of
Zeus and the Olympians) acts in such a way as to bring the most adversarial characteristics of Set to
the forefront.
Set and Typhon respectively embody two purposes of the Order of the Ebon Spire:
1. Separation from/transcendence of the limitations of the cosmic order via the process of
sinister initiation
2. The subversion and destruction of the structures of the cosmic order as a means of furthering
the Satanic becoming of the adept via the release of adversarial energies.
A third power, linked to the nature of Set-Typhon but of a distinct identity, will also be explored in
the teachings of Typhonian Satanism. The name of this power and its connection to that of SetTyphon will be explored by those whose Will, Imagination, and Desire lead them to follow this
sinister path of initiation.
The godform Set-Typhon figures prominently in magical tetxts dating from the last few centuries
BC and continuing well into the middle of the first milennium AD. This was an era which saw the
synthesis of Greek, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian magico-religious culture. Actual magical
workings with Set-Typhon from this era survive in collections of antiquarian texts such as the Greek
Magical Papyri, providing a traditional basis for those who wish to work with Greco-Egyptian
currents in the style approached by ancient practicioners.
The ritual aesthetic emphasized in Typhonian Satanism is therefore drawn from the era and cultural
stream in which these texts have their origin: The Egyptian and Greco-Roman world in late
Typhonian Satanism focuses on the mastery of different forms of traditional Greco-Egyptian and
Greco-Roman sorcery(curse tablets, binding spells, talismanic construction), traditional GrecoEgyptian high magic(invocation of various aspects of the godform Set-Typhon, theurgic ensoulment
of an idol/fetish, construction of an astral fortress-temple), the mastery and development of martial
and malefic magical techniques, oneiric magic and dream-sending, scrying and divination,
acquisition of familiar spirits, and most especially the process of initiation in which the adept passes
through the 7 Typhonian Gates which correspond to the 7 circumpolar stars of Set and the 7 heads
of the Great Dragon.

This is also the era of the Ophitic and Cainite Gnostics, the era of Mithraic initiation and the
Eleusinian mystery cults. It is an era which provides a resonance which resounds throughout the
halls of Western culture owing to its pivotal role therein,

This is the era of the Ophitic and Cainite Gnostics, the era of Neo-Platonism and the emergence of
the western Hermetic tradition.
The era of Alexander and Augustus, the emergence of new gods and the era of the last hurrah of the
ancient western world. From here
In some ways, this era was not unlike our own: The empires of Alexander and Rome had
permanently transformed the ancient world. Local traditional cultures found themselves
incorporated into vast empires, creating a sense of disorientation and ideological ferment which led
to the death of the ancient world as we knew it and the planting of the seeds of the new medieval
world of monotheism which emerged soon after.
Likewise, in the present day technology and the rise of global commerce has transformed the world
and rendered the traditional institutions of western culture in a sense of disorientation, confusion,
and exhaustion which parallels the ancient world in its last days, perhaps. And as traditional
paganism was beaten
Geopolitical circumstances had rendered the ancient world

As such, the ritual aesthetic emphasized in Typhonian Satanism is drawn from the Greco-Egyptian
cultural synthesis seen in the Hellenistic and Roman eras.

Typhonian Satanism focuses on the mastery of different forms of sorcery and high magic
connected with the Greco-Egyptian cultural stream
traditional Greco-Egyptian sorcery(curse tablets, binding spells, talismanic construction),
traditional Greco-Egyptian high magic(invocation of various aspects of the godform Set-Typhon,
theurgic ensoulment of an idol/fetish, construction of an astral fortress-temple),

A revolutionary struggle against the cosmic order

A third and hidden power lies hidden within here.

Typhonian Satanism also possesses its own unique body of esoteric lore(

the invocation of various aspects of the mighty godform Set-Typhon, the ass

Set-Typhon is the synthesis of the distinct essences of the transgressive Egyptian god Set with the
Greek archdaemon and champion of primal chaos Typhon.
The godform Set-Typhon figures prominently in magical tetxts dating from the last few centuries
BC and continuing well into the middle of the first milennium AD. Records of actual workings with
Set-Typhon survive in collections of antiquarian magical texts such as the Greek Magical Papyri.

Actual magical workings with Set-Typhon from this era survive in collections of antiquarian texts
such as the Greek Magical Papyri, p
Typhonian Satanism makes use of Greco-Egyptian sorcery and high magic as preserved in
collections of magical texts such as the Greek Magical Papyri. The GMP are a collection of magical
texts dating from the first few centuries AD and containing magical workings which call upon the
power of Set-Typhon.

The godform Set-Typhon is attested in Ptolemaic period, an era notable

of Greek, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian systems of magico-religious lore

Firstly, Set: The self-born one who tore himself from his mother's womb and slew his brother, the
god of separation, discord, trasngression and subversion of cultural norms, chaos, storms,
earthquakes. Secondly, Typhon: the Greek arch-daimon, the Champion of Primal Chaos and the
fiercest foe of the Olympians. The child of Gaia(the primal chthonic goddess) and Tartaros(the
personification of the Primal Abyss), he was born with the single purpsoe of overthrowing the
Olympian cosmic order.
The synthesis of Set and Typhon represent the two aspects of Typhonian Satanism: Separation from
the limitations of the cosmic order on one hand(Set), subversion.destruction of the hylic world order
on the other(

is a school of Sinister Initiation which focuses on the empowerment of the Adept in accordance
with the august and sinister godform Set-Typhon.

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