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Huachuma is a fast-growing columnar cactus, Echinopsis pachanoi It is native to

the Andes of Ecuador, but it is cultivated all over Ecuador and other places in South
America. In its natural environment San Pedro grows up to 20 feet high and is multi
branched.The cactus is light to dark green, sometimes glaucous (covered with a
bluish, greyish, or whitish waxy coating or bloom that rubs off easily). Generally it
has between 4-8 ribs.Groups of 1-4 small, yellow to light brown, spines are located
at the nodes which are evenly spaced apart (circa 2 cm apart) along the ribs.
Huachuma contains a number of psychoactive alkaloids, including mescaline (3,4,5trimethoxyphenethylamine, 0.11 2.3%), and also 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine,
4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethylamine, 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine, 4hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine, anhalonidine, anhalinine, tyramine,
hordenine and 3-methoxytyramine. Mescaline is an entheogen and also found in
Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii), as well as other species of the Echinopsis genus
such as Echinopsis peruviana, and Echinopsis scopulicola.

Uses of Huachuma
Huachuma has a long history of traditional use. It has become the most popular cactus in neoshamanic rituals due to its excellent fertility and ease of cultivation. Huachuma is used by
shamanic cultures in the Andes as a means to See and for esoteric healing rituals. Huachuma
is sometimes used in conjunction with other sacred plants, such as coca, tobacco, Brugmansia
and Anadenanthera.
Huachuma is used by Andean shamans for guidance, decision making, healing, spiritual
communion, trance, and ecstatic soul flight to access other realms in the three worlds of spirit.
Huachuma helps one attain and remain in balance with the natural world.
Huachuma Ceremony
Huachuma has been used throughout history by many ancient precolumbian civilizations.
Huachuma is a shamanic sacrament, a marvelous healing medicine, and a magnificant spiritual
teacher which fueled the genersis of Andean civilization. For more than 4,000 years, the
Huachuma ceremony has been a continuous tradition in Ecuador and Peru to the present day.
Maestro huachumeros claim that much of the knowledge and insightsthey possess comes
directly from the plants themselves. Maestro huachumeros are pure animists in believing that
all aspects of creation, from the elements to mountains and stones, as well as plants and
animals are all living conscious entities, each at their magnitude of existence from infinity to



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