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Full name : Nguyn H Phng Khanh

Student number : K40.751.187

His Lit- Poem Analysis

In the poem, the poet who refers to herself is an adult now. Because she is more
and more mature, she misses the old days. When she looks at the old school
uniform in the top drawer, she starts to recall the image of her as a little child with
her pigtails, petticoats, and some silly things. She wants to cry because she cannot
back to the days but her eyes is too dried from crying. She continues get lost in her
The poet expresses the profound love towards her husband-to-be, that is Robert
Browning. She says her love can count but it cannot because she loves him to the
bond; even if she die, she still love him freely and purely without condition.
The poet has anxious attitude towards the readers. He uses the word you to refer
to the people who read his poem,and that people are related to what he is talking


The poet tries to give image effects to listeners (full of sleep, nodding by the fire,
slowly read, dream, shadows, glowing bars,etc.) He describes an elderly woman
sitting near the fire and reading a book.

My father
My father said, Please finish your studies.
This is what I want you to do. Nervous,
I remember, as though hes raised his fist,
And I am cowed again with misery.
And I will, to make your heart swell,
Learn dead languages, music, numbers.
Youll have a daughter to show your neighbours,
To wink at; to keep your years well.
When younger, my father had wanted
Everything, if he could afford it,
To make me happy. I am sorry
Then I had not learned enough to lie.
Shirley Lim
1/ Sense
The father in the poem forces his daughter into studying to be proud of her in front
of other people. He do not care about her feelings, which makes her unhappy. But
the little girl do study to make her father satisfied.
2/ Feeling

At first, the daughter is anxious and then frightened of her father. She does what
her father wants her to do but unwillingly. Day by day, she realizes that she cannot
be happy with anything her dad gives her and she feels sorry for herself.
3/ Tone
The poet has attitude towards the listener in poems. She shows disagreement. She
do not appreciate the way her father treats her. She looks down on that kind of
4/ Intention
This poem gives the emotional effects. We know the poet is under pressure by
reading all the poem. Her intense emotion is increasing day by day, which makes
us feel empathy for the little girl.

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