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Civil war if the confederacy won

Michael Medina- Group SUBMISSION-PART OF


If the South had won the War Between the States, otherwise known as the Civil War, a myriad of
incomprehensible changes to world history would have been made. Abraham Lincoln had once
stated that the conflict would not only determine the future of the United States but the very
future of mankind.
To remove a United States of America from the history books would involve a total rethinking of
the various probabilities that are the stuff of arm chair historians and fiction.
This is really one of the ultimate 'what if' scenarios. Many Civil War buffs have spent hours and
longer debating the possible consequences of what is now an almost inconceivable alteration to
world history. Some believe that slavery would have eventually died a natural death due to world
Slavery was already abolished in the North and what type of immigration policies would be in
place as well as the details of the handling of numerous other hot button issues then become
quite difficult to ascertain.
Modern America as we know it today would have evolved completely different and our neatly
conceived national and world pictures go right out the window.
World history as is would have to be thrown out with the trash and a whole new deck shuffled.
With an independent South and the remaining United States cut in half, a whole new dynamic
would ensue.
Many times during the War Between the States the fighting spirit of the North was severely
tested. Had the war gone poorly during Lincoln's campaign, McClellan might well have sued for
peace as his platform suggested. If Lee hadn't been so hasty by attacking at Gettysburg, he may
have been able to hold out in the South long enough to put a damper on Lincoln's reelection
efforts. With McClellan as president, the continuation of the conflict might have been less
certain. Many times during the war, it seems as if it was only Lincoln's prescient vision for a
United America and his wartime presidential power to block any conciliation until his terms were
met were the only things standing in the way of an armistice.
The South might well have become a thriving agricultural nation. Eventually the wounds of the
war might heal enough for trade to begin between the North and South. State's rights being
honored more vigorously, the South might even have experienced some secessions of its own.

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