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score was .33 (Good) and his bleeding score was 5.6%. During this appointment the maxillary right fine scale was completed. Maxillary left was ultrasonic and fine scaled. During this appointment I started to notice the healing of the mandibular arch His gingival architecture was generalized scalloped. On tooth #4 and #5 his gingival architecture was localized flat. His gingiva color was generalized red. The consistency was generalized edematous/spongy. The gingival margins were rolled on the mandibular anterior facials. The papilla of the gingiva was bulbous on the maxillary anterior facials. There was no suppuration. The surface texture of the papillary, marginal, and attached was generalized smooth and shiny Appointment 7: 10-28-15 reviewed medical/dental history, took vitals and had SEEN prerinse with Listerine. He brushed at the sink and plaque/bleeding score was retrieved. His plaque score was .17 (Good) and his bleeding score was .6%. Post periodontal charting was completed along with plaque frve and fluoride. His gingival architecture was generalized scalloped. On tooth #4 and #5 his gingival architecture was localized flat His gingiva color was localized red maxillary arch. The consistency was generalized cedematous/spongy on the maxillary arch. The papilla of the gingiva was bulbous on the maxillary facials. The mandibular arch had consistency, margins, and papillae all WNL. c.Plaque Index: Appt.l n/a Appt. 22.3 (Fair) Appt.3 1.5 (Fair) Appt. 4.83, (Good) Appt. 5.50 (Good) Appt. 6 33 (Good) Appt. 7.17 (Good) d. Gingival Index: Initial 1.63 (Fair) Final .88 (Good) €.Bleeding Index: Appt. 1 n/a Appt. 2 30% Appt. 3 13.9% Appt. 4 11.1% Appt. 5 5.6% Appt. 6 5.6% Appt. 7.6% 1. Evaluation of Indices: 1. Initial: On his initial visit QB was classified has having slight chronic periodontitis, His plaque score on his second visit was 2.3 (Fair) with a bleeding score of 30%, Plaque and calculus are big contributing factor to the inflammation of the gingiva and the pathogenesis of periodontitis. The mandibular anterior and posterior teeth had the most calculus build up. After root debridement and fine scaling along with patient education these areas should be fully healed with reduction of inflammation by the end of treatment. AAI initial gingival index was 1,63 (Pair). He had moderate inflammation and bleeding upon probing. 2. Pinal: On his final evaluation on 10/28/15, he showed great improvement in his indices. The plaque score during his last visit was .17 (good). His progression ‘was clinically noticed during this appointment. All supra and subgingival calculus was removed and generalized inflammation had been reduced in the mandibular arch, His final bleeding score was 7.6%, a big reduction from the

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