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initial of 30%. His final gingival index was .88 (Good). Post periodontal charting also shown gingival and periodontal pockets had improved and healed. All of GEIB in hices have decreased showing that he has taken techniques learned in patient education and incorporated them in his daily at home oral care in order to halt the progression of his periodontal disease, Periodontal Chart: (Record Baseline and First Re-evaluation data) 1. Baseline: Full periodontal charting was completed on 9/03/2015. On his mandibular arch facially he had 25 pocket depths of 4mm and lingually he had 15 pocket depths of 4 mm. On his maxillary arch, facially he had 5 pocket depths of 4mm and lingually he had 11 pocket depths of 4mm. ‘The suppuration upon probing. Patient has localized slight bone loss in the mandibular anterior. Bacteria can get trapped in these pockets and cause the surrounding gingival tissue to become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to apical migration of the gingival tissue, which can lead to bone loss. At this stage of diseas AIMEE has no furcation involvement, percussion or mobility First Evaluation: On {QR first evaluation his periodontal charting was recharted to see the progression of his healing afier periodontal treatment. During this visit there were no 4mm or higher pockets observed, On his mandibular arch facially he had one pocket depth of 3mm and lingually he had one pocket depth of 3mm. All other pocket depths were 2mm or Imm. On his maxillary arch facially he had 7 pocket depths of 3 mm and lingually he had 17 pocket depths of 3mm. Alll other pocket depths were 2mm or Imm. At this evaluation (i EBB 25 no furcation involvement, percussion or mobility, No suppuration was observed. mame. also stated he was less sensitive to the probe during this visit. Due the reduction in gingival and periodontal pockets I encouraged Mr Ogbeide to continue brushing with bass technique which we reviewed chairside. | also reminded him of the importance of flossing in order to reduce the amount of build up that returns in the future. 1 Dental Examination: (caries, attrition, midline position, mal-relation of groups of teeth, occlusion, abfractions) 1as a class | occlusion for the right and left molar areas and class I for the right and left canine areas. His overbite and overjet were within normal limits. His mid- ‘mm to the left. He had no open bites or eross bites. Teeth #1, 16, 17, and extracted for occlusal purposes. He has spacious areas on the lingual of #14 and the occlusal of #29 and #28, 1f (JAMMIN continues to drink sugar-containing drinks daily these areas could become infected causing pain, He has previous amalgam restorations on #2 occlusal, #14 occlusal and lingual, #15 occlusal and lingual, #18 ‘ocelusal, #30 occlusal, and #31 occlusal lingual. He also has an occlusal TCR on #5 and porcelain fused to metal crown on #19. Tooth #19 has had a root canal therapy. These Previous treatments indicate that IIMB has a history of a cariogenic diet, which ‘makes him predisposed for future earies.

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