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&r*gfgfsmww%m ffiw#ss
ffo,r sm#* sw#memsmgr

Swfrmming ffufeE

c Alwal,s swim with a buddy.

e Swirn only in areas that have a lifeguard.
o Stay out of the water when
),ou're very
tired, rrery colcl, or overheated.
o Foll.ow all swimming rules postecl at the
swimming area.
o Obey the lifeguald's instfncrions.
e If )'clu can't see the bottom of the pool in
the deep end or if the water is cloucly, clon't
swim there.
o Avoicl swimming at night in unlighted areas.
o f)o not chew gum or eat while swimrning.
Y<ru could choke.
o I)o not push, $hove, or rull near.tire watef.
Homeplay can be dangerous.
e Get out of the water if you see lightning or
hear thunder.
e Swim a safe distance away from cliving
boards and slides. Never swim under them.
o Never swim near a dam or boat ramp.
o Avoid swiruming in river currents.

ffilrJes ffaE Faai $Iides

o Slides should be at the cleep end of pools so

that the entrv is into water at least eight feet
deep and zrway fiom dirring area$.
c Go clou,n feetfirst in a sitting position.
(Going down heaclfirst is clangeruus*you
could injnre your heacl, neck, clr back.)


Wsfes Fsrl* S6fdes,

wrmd Bffowe Poefs

ffiap#es See

o Be sure all areas are well-supervisecl ancl
have a lif'eguard before you swim or slicle.
e Follow all postecl rules anel the lifbgnanl's
a Position yourself caref-ully before you start
o Don't let anyone pressllre
1,ou into trying a
dangerous {itunt.
s In a war.,e pool, be sure you know how
cleep the water will be when the war,,e
machine is turnecl on, ancl watch fbr iloating
objects. There u,ill usually be a signal just
before the waves begin.

ffirsles Ssr f&o Weaeh

o Know where the nearest lifeguarcl stancl is.
e Be sure you know the surf conditions before
yoll enter the water'.
c Check to see if a warning flag has heen
mised. (See Fact Sheet 4, Inngfellow's Saf'ety
Equipment Information.)
e Observe "DANGER" signs.
e Swim well away fiom piers, pilings, and
cliving platforms.
e Be on the lookout for clangerous marine lifb.
(See Fact Sheet 7, lnngfellow's Aqu:rtic Life

c If you swim out from shore, remember that

you will have to swim back. Save enough
energy to swim back safely.
a If you are caught in a current, don't try to
fight it or srvim against it. You can make it
back to shore by swirnming graclually away
froar it.

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