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(Author: Arthur Miller, Play: The Crucible)

Danyelle Spaar
16 Years Old
June Workshop

I never knew it before. I never knew anything before. When she come
into the court I say to myself, I must not accuse this woman, for she sleeps in
ditches, and so very old and poor. But then- then she sit there, denying and
denying, and I feel a misty coldness climbin' up my back, and the skin on my
skull begin to creep, and I feel a clamp around my neck and I cannot breathe
air; and then (entranced) I hear a voice, a screamin' voice, and it were my
voice- and all at once I remembered everything she done to me! (Like one
awakened to a marvelous secret insight) So many times, Mr. Proctor, she
come to this very door, beggin' bread and a cup of cider-and mark this:
whenever I turned her away empty, she mumbled. But what does she
mumble? You must remember, Goody Proctor. Last month-a Monday, I think-she walked away, and I thought my guts would burst for two days after. Do
you remember it?

(Author: Charles Robertson, Play: Pretty Pieces)

Danyelle Spaar
16 Years Old
June Workshop
I thought in the whole wide world that we were special, that we were the only two people
like us in the world. That we were sposed to be together forever, cause we shared sumthin, cause
when we were younger sumthin happened, and somehow if we stayed together, it would come
out all right, somehow, it would turn out good, but youre makin it all wrong. You cant leave
me. I cant let you leave me. Everythin would go all wrong. If you leave there would be no more
us. That cant happen. How could there be no more us? I wish that there was some sorta answer.
I wish I knew what happened. Back when I was eight, I wish I knew the answer to the mystery.
But I dont. I dont know nuthin. All I know is that sumthin happened, sumthin happened to us.
I wish there were more clues, I wish I understood, but its just a puzzle without enough pieces.
Im the girl and youre the boy, and we are the only two people in this world. Broken dolls in a
box. And I was hopin for some cake, and some vanilla icin with candles, like angels in the dark,
and my name in candy letters, save them to the end, Eat them at the end. But I dont think Im
ever gonna get that cake, and I dont think Im ever gonna unnerstand nuthin Go to sleep.
Yeah, that's right. (Puts pillow over his face) Go to sleep.

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