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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #23

Lab Number 5
Friday, November 21, 2014
Shaylese Cook
Lead Teacher: Cortney Houston
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
1 Abby- Feel comfortable in classroom, be independent, cooperate with others and
write name. Plan child centered activities that Abby would be interested enough in to
choose to go over there and stay over there. Also incorporate practicing writing her
name in small focus activities and even during self-selected. Some ideas include:
cookie sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and
incorporate more letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle. Abby is
interested in art and letters.
2 Ansel- Recognize letters and write name. Incorporate practicing writing his name in
small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas include: cookie sheets with
magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and incorporate more
letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle.
3 Anthony- Write his name and sit through gathering time. Incorporate practicing
writing his name in small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas
include: cookie sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving
cream, and exposing him to the letters in his name throughout his day. Help him to
recognize his own name. Have Anthony help during gathering time to get him
involved and interested.
4 Aquiles- Learn basic English words. We can teach him vocabulary words about
animals and say the animal names in English and Portuguese so that he can become
familiar with both.
5 Ayden- Count to ten, spell name, develop cooperative play/ social skills. Use numbers
more in math self-selected: count how many horses and legs and have them write
the number down. Compare the letters in his name and the letters in horse words
(horse, hoof, hay, gallop, saddle) to help him recognize his name and the letters that
are in it, so eventually that can lead into spelling his name.
6 Brevin- Write name, print letters and numbers. Incorporate practicing writing his
name in small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas include: cookie
sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and
incorporate more letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle. Use numbers
more in math self-selected: count how many horses and legs and have them write
the number down.
7 Lilly- Sharing and playing with other children. This lesson will hopefully help Lilly
realize other people like similar things as her.

Preassessment and Findings:

1. Lilly said, Horses eat carrots and apples. Horses are my favorite.
2. Ayden tells us about how to take care of his horses
3. During our unit on apples and carrots most of children, at one point, told us that horses
and rabbits eat those for snacks all the time.
4. A few of our children own horses and have grown up around them.
5. Mia wore our horse saddle during all of self-selected when we had them in the dramatic
play area to pre-assess.

6. When ask if we can communicate with horses and tell them to go Abby laughed and told
me no.
7. Kaylee says horses are pets and you can sometimes ride them.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Riders can communicate with and train their horses: they can tell them what we want
them both verbally and nonverbally: giddy up to move, squeezing of legs to run, pull on
2. Horses can be used as pets, for transportation, sports or physical labor.
3. Horses are herbivores; they eat a variety of foods: apples, carrots, oats and hay.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1 Syllables
2 Prepositions
3 Sizes: small, medium, large

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #23
Lab Number 5
Friday, November 21, 2014
Shaylese Cook
Lead Teacher: Cortney Houston
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
1. Abby- Feel comfortable in classroom, be independent, cooperate with others and
write name. Plan child centered activities that Abby would be interested enough in to
choose to go over there and stay over there. Also incorporate practicing writing her
name in small focus activities and even during self-selected. Some ideas include:
cookie sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and
incorporate more letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle. Abby is
interested in art and letters.
2. Ansel- Recognize letters and write name. Incorporate practicing writing his name in
small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas include: cookie sheets with
magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and incorporate more
letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle.
3. Anthony- Write his name and sit through gathering time. Incorporate practicing
writing his name in small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas
include: cookie sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving
cream, and exposing him to the letters in his name throughout his day. Help him to
recognize his own name. Have Anthony help during gathering time to get him
involved and interested.
4. Aquiles- Learn basic English words. We can teach him vocabulary words about
animals and say the animal names in English and Portuguese so that he can become
familiar with both.
5. Ayden- Count to ten, spell name, develop cooperative play/ social skills. Use numbers
more in math self-selected: count how many horses and legs and have them write
the number down. Compare the letters in his name and the letters in horse words
(horse, hoof, hay, gallop, saddle) to help him recognize his name and the letters that
are in it, so eventually that can lead into spelling his name.
6. Brevin- Write name, print letters and numbers. Incorporate practicing writing his
name in small focus activities and during self-selected. Some ideas include: cookie
sheets with magnetic letters, writing name with finger in shaving cream, and
incorporate more letter recognition in gathering time and closing circle. Use numbers
more in math self-selected: count how many horses and legs and have them write
the number down.
7. Lilly- Sharing and playing with other children. This lesson will hopefully help Lilly
realize other people like similar things as her.

Preassessment and Findings:

1. Lilly said, Horses eat carrots and apples. Horses are my favorite.
2. Ayden tells us about how to take care of his horses
3. During our unit on apples and carrots most of children, at one point, told us that horses
and rabbits eat those for snacks all the time.
4. A few of our children own horses and have grown up around them.
5. Mia wore our horse saddle during all of self-selected when we had them in the dramatic
play area to pre-assess.

6. When ask if we can communicate with horses and tell them to go Abby laughed and told
me no.
7. Kaylee says horses are pets and you can sometimes ride them.
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Riders can communicate with and train their horses: they can tell them what we want
them both verbally and nonverbally: giddy up to move, squeezing of legs to run, pull on
2. Horses can be used as pets, for transportation, sports or physical labor.
3. Horses are herbivores; they eat a variety of foods: apples, carrots, oats and hay.
___________________ Self-Selected

_______________ Floater/Runner/Snack

___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer

___________________ Outdoor play
_________ /_________ Snack

_______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)

_______________ Data Collector


Literacy Activities/ Books:
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: A Day on the Farm by Venice Shone (S19)
Activity Description: Old McDonalds Farm Animals Class Book (6)@- Pre made papers
will be made and set out on the table closest to the lockers. On the paper it will say Old McDonald
had a farm E-I-E-I-O and on that farm he had a _________ E-E-I-O. The children will fill in the blanks
with whatever animal they want. They can also draw a picture on the bottom. All the pages will be
put together and put in the library for the children to read the rest of the semester.
Child Objective: Children will exercise small motor muscles as they write and draw 6the animals
for the book D2G18. Children will use creativity to express what they know and understand about
farm animals D4G46.
Intentional Teaching: Invite all of the children to come over to this table so there will be as
many children as possible in the class book. If the children are struggling to come up with ideas for
what animals to use, ask them questions to get their minds thinking: what is your favorite animal?
Have you ever been to a farm? What did you see there? Are there animals that can live at home
and on a farm? Teachers will help the children by spelling the words the children want orally,
writing it down on a separate sheet for them to copy, with highlighter for them to trace or write it
for them depending on their level.
Materials, Special
Activity Name
Description/Activity Objective
Creative Art:
Activity Description: Children will use the paint
Paint dotters (RR1)
Mirror Painting (6)
dotters to paint on a mirror.
Mirror (RR2 Beautiful
Child Objective: Children will experiment with a new Junk)
mode of painting. Children will exercise small motor
muscles as the hold the dotters D2G18.
Intentional Teaching: Talk to the children about
being soft with the mirror so it does not break.
Encourage the children to use a variety of colors, by

*Feed the Horse(3)
ITBE: Horses are
they eat a
variety of foods:
apples, carrots,
oats and hay.

Math: *Measure
the Horse and
Their Food (4)
ITBE: Horses are
they eat a
variety of foods:
apples, carrots,
oats and hay.

Science: What is
Magnetic? (4)

Sensory Table:
*Horse Food
ITBE that horses

Activity Description: Have 2 or 3 cardboard boxes

wrapped in brown paper. Glue a horse face on the
front and have a hole where the mouth is. The
children will be able to put different objects into the
horses mouths. Have objects out that would fit and
some that are too big to fit. Leave a hole in the back
as well so children could take the objects out and
continue. Also have some of the real horse food and
pictures of horse food from the math table on the
manipulatives table as well to encourage children to
expand their play.
Child Objective: Children will use fine motor muscles
to pick up several different sized objects D2G18.
Children will demonstrate understanding of sizes
D4G40. Children will expand their play between
Intentional Teaching: Use self-talk and parallel talk
as you and the children put objects in the horses
mouths to encourage the children to name the shapes
and what the objects are.
Description: Use counting cubes to measure how
long and tall different pictures of horses are. Horse
food (apples and carrots) will also be set out for the
children to put in measuring cups. This food can be
taken over to the manipulatives table where they get
to feed a horse. Have butter knives out for children
to cut the apples and carrots up. Have some grain on
the table along with a scale. Children can measure,
feed and compare different materials.
Child Objective: Children will demonstrate their
understanding of measurements D4G40. Children will
recognize that horses come in a variety of sizes and
eat a variety of different foods.
Intentional Teaching: Ask the children about their
horses or ones they have seen? Describe them, were
they all the same what made them different. What did
they eat?
Activity Description: Have a variety of metal
materials out on the table and magnets for the
children. Also have set out a few objects that are not
Child Objective: Children will experiment with
magnets G4D42. Children will discover what materials
are magnetic and which ones are not and compare
and contrast the difference and similarities between
the magnetic and non-magnetic material D1G13.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask the children
what they are observing about the magnets.
Activity Description: The sensory table will be filled
with wheat. Scoops and bowls will be provided. There
will also be plastic carrots for the children to burry and
dig up.

Box horses (IWP)

Random objects
[Marbles (RR1 W10),
Letter blocks (RR1
W45), Small foam
waffle blocks (RR1
W27), Wooden balls
(RR1 W48), Brain
noodles (RR1 W28),
Tinker toys (RR1
W22), Dinosaur
blocks (RR1 W31)
Horse food (from the
Math table)

Pictures of horses
Horse food (IWP)
Counting cubes (RR2
Cutting board (K)
Knives (K)
Scale (RR2 R39)

Magnets (RR1 P12)

Magnetic material

Grain (RR2 G37)

Horses (RR2 B11)
Plastic carrots (RR2

are herbivores

Blocks: Farm (6)

Dramatic Play:
Veterinarian (6)
doctor was being
used so if they are
again back up
plan is to pull
safari out again]

*Horse Riding (1
maybe 2 if they
play together with
one off the horse
and the other one
on the horse)
**Bring out into
dramatic play
during outside
time when there
are less children in
the classroom

Child Objective: Children will scoop wheat to dig and

burry vegetables. Children will pour wheat into
containers and dump them out again.
Intentional Teaching: Teacher will discuss with the
children what other foods horses eat: horse feed, oats,
Activity Description: The farm animals will be set
out along with large and small Lincoln logs for children
to build their own farms and animal pens.
Child Objective: Children will use small motor
muscles to pick up the logs and build their own
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will converse with
the children about what animals are on a farm and
what those animals do for the farm. Teachers will
encourage cooperative play.
Activity Description: Have several doctor tools out
for the children, notepads, animal food, and medicine
out for the children. Include several different pet
stuffed animals. Bring and set up cardboard boxes
that the children can use to hold their animals in while
they are at the vet or buy them from a pet shop. Set
up a cash register for children to act out paying for
the visit.
Child Objective: Children will be involved in make
believe play D1G15. Children will compare and
contrast animal body parts with their own.
Intentional Teaching: Using self-talk, encourage the
children to compare and contrast the similarities
between animals and their selves, along with a vet
and a doctor.
Activity Description: Have the wooden cow set up
with the saddle on it. Children will pretend it is a horse
instead of the cow. Have rope tied around the horse to
make reins.
Child Objective: Children will practice the different
commands you can give to a horse: giddy up to move,
squeezing of legs to run, pull on reins. D2G17 that
children will exercise large motor muscles as they act
out the different ways to use a horse.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will encourage turn
taking between the children, by giving the children
words when needed to ask if they can have the turn. If
needs be, have a timer out for the children and tell
them before they start the exact amount of time they
have on the horse.

Farm Animals (RR2

Lincoln Logs (RR2

Doctor (RR2 Y57)

Stuffed animals
Paper (Workroom)
Cowboy hats (RR2

Wooden cow (Gross

Saddle (Gross
Timer (K?)

Creative Art:
Collage Making

Description: Set out paper for the children to

cut up and glue down on to make a collage.

Paper, scissors (Art Cart)

Glue sticks (RR1 O21)

2nd: Block

Description: Have the Styrofoam blocks set

up with the pegs and hammers

Syrofoam (RR1 W32)

Hammer and nails (RR1 34)

2:00-2:50 p.m.
Carrots and dip, crackers and water

2:10-2:50 p.m.

Location: South

Gross Motor:

2nd: Sit and Spin

3rd: Snow Painting

Description: PVC pipe will be set out for the

children to ride like horses.
Objective: Children will use large motor
muscles to gallop around outside.
Intentional Teaching: Use self-talk to
encourage children to use words and actions
cowboys and people who ride horses use
Description: The sleds will be set up in
different places throughout the playground.
Objective: Children will work on coordination
skills as they push each other on the sleds.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will
encourage children to involve all children and
take turns by modeling and parallel-talking
through turn taking.
Description: Have squirt bottles filled with
died water for the children to paint the snow.
Objective: Children will use small motor
muscles as the use the squirt bottles. Children
will use creativity as the make designs in the
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will
encourage children to share.

PCV pipes (Gross motor

garage or large shed)

Sleds (Large Shed)

Water Die (RR1)

Squirt bottles (always in a
different place)

2:50-2:55 p.m.
Teachers will warn Anthony that it is almost clean up time. Give him a specific job. Teachers will
sing Its Clean up Time at Preschool together. Help the children clean up and give them specific
2:55-3:10 p.m.
Sing Horses once through. Sing through the song again and this time have the support teachers
act out the motions with me to encourage the children to as well (eating grass, eating hay,
drinking water). The second time through, sit down after the first verse and sing the rest sitting
Activity Name
1. Guess this

Tell the children I have different materials need to take
care of an animal (reigns with bit, halter, curry comb,

Horse materials
(A.s Mom)

2. How Horses

3. Do horses talk?
*If there is leftover
time do this part
(the bulk of the
time will go to the
first activity)

Lets Go Riding

brush and saddle). Have the curry comb and brush

behind the flannel board. The reigns with bit and halter
will be under one blanket and the saddle will be under
another. Pull out the curry comb and brush. Ask the
children what they are and what animal we can use
brushes for. Pass the brushes around for the children to
hold, see and feel them. Next have a child pull off the
blanket covering the reigns, bit and halter. Tell the
children the bit goes in the horses mouth and we use
the reins to direct horse from on the horse, but we use
a bridle to direct the horse while on the ground. What
animal are we talking about? [A horse!] We have one
more thing we need for our horse). Describe the saddle
to the children (you put it on a horse, you sit on it,
helps you ride on the horse). Walk the saddle around
for all the children to touch it.
Pull out pictures of different tasks that can be done by
horses and tasks that only people do. Tell the children
you want them to make the sound of a horse when I
hold up a picture that a horse can do, What sound
does a horse make? Lets try it together. But when I
hold one up the cannot do we have to be very quiet.
Lets practice! Show the children two obvious pictures
as a practice round (wear pants/ wear a saddle). Neigh
with the children and remind them to be quiet on the
picture of the pants. Go through the pictures one by
one: wash hands, give rides, go shopping, sports, make
food, work on farm. Have the children act out the
different parts that horses can do.
Remember what we talked about on Wednesday, the
last time you were at preschool? (Dogs!) Yes we talked
about dogs. Do you remember when we talked about
how dogs communicate? Well horses can communicate
too. As their owners and riders we communicate with
them as well. We can say different things and do
different actions to get the horse to do what we need.
Go through the different ways and have the children
stand up and act them out as we go. (Giddy up- move
faster, squeeze lower legs- walk, pull on rein and whoastop).
Explain to the children that when the horse gallops
over and touches their head they need to gallop over
to their teacher from small focus group. Sing Lets Go
Riding to the tune of Are You Sleeping
Lets go riding, lets go riding,
Saddle up. Saddle up.
Everybody ready? Everybody ready?
Giddyap! Giddyap!
After each verse, pick a group of children to go.

Blankets (RR2 Y9)

Pictures (IWP)

Horse puppet

Your Activity
The Farmer Says
By the reading area


3:10-3:25 p.m.
Description & Objective
Description: Play like Simon Says, but say the
farmer says instead. Have the children act out
different tasks that horses do: gallop, pull the sled,
jump over hurtles, eat a carrot, neigh.
Objective: Children will use gross motor skills as
the act out the different horse movements D2G17.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will get down and
do the actions with the children to be on their
level. Ask the children what other animals live on
farms? What sort of things do they do?

1 Horses by
Harold Roth (P
2 Cock-A-DoodleMoo! by Bernard
Most (M14)

3:25-3:40 p.m.

Transition 10 Little Horses. Sing the song 10 Little Horses a few times through. Change the action
each time. Have children act it out. End with sleeping to get the children to sit on the floor.
Activity Name
Horse Review
I am going to ride my horse! I can just get on the horse and
the horse will know exactly where to take me right? [No!]
Oh so I can just give them a map? [No!] Right I need to
learn the commands to tell him. Show me with your hands
and not your words what I need to do if I want my horse to
stop. Right, I need to pull on the reins. Tell the children to
point to what they need to squeeze to get the horse to
walk. And what to I say to get it to go faster?
Feelings Song
Remember how we talked about feelings on Wednesday
and what we should do when we are feeling them? Well I
want to teach you a song you can sing when you get mad,
angry, sad or upset. Say one line at a time and have the
children repeat after me. Go through twice with repeated
and then try to sing it all together a few times. When you
feel so mad that you want to ROAR, Take a deep breath
and count to four. 1234
Pete the Cat
Tell the children some of our friends missed our new cat
Pete the Cat
(played like Scat story we learned on Wednesday because they already went file folder (IWP)
the Cat)
home. Bring out Pete the Cat and explain he is Scat the
Pictures (IWP)
Cats friend and he is going to help us tell a story about his
(Story/ Book)
brand new white shoes. Go through the story Pete the Cat
by Eric Litwin. As I tell the story I will pull out the paper to
change the color of his shoes. Singing the song as I go.
v=Q9GRHNE1vI4&safe=active for song in story

Freeze Dance

Give each of the children a scarf to dance with. Explain

that when the music is on they should dance, but to stay in
one place to keep everyone safe. When the music stops
and I say freeze the should stop dancing and freeze.

Icky Sticky
Bubble Gum
Syllables Clap
and March

Sing Icky Sticky Bubble Gum. Encourage the children to do

all of the actions. Let them help choose what body parts
your hands will get stuck to.

Tell the children we are going to learn something new

today. Words come in different sizes and they have
syllables. Syllables are where this is a pause or break in the
word. Im going to a couple of the teachers names to
demonstrate. Watch and count my clapping as I say my
name Miss Cortney. How many times did I clap? 3! Okay
lets try Miss (whoever is in closing circle area), but lets
stomp this time. Go through and do all the childrens
names that are left.
Brown Bear
Using the felt board to tell the story of Brown Bear Brown
Brown Bear
Bear. Allow the children to decide what order the animals
are seen.
Action Dice
Have the children take turns rolling the action dice. One
dice is animal actions and the other is animal sounds. Do
them either one at a time or both depending on which
children are still there.

Ponies song
(RR1 Y1-12)

Brown Bear felt

Action dice

Mad Song
When you feel so mad that you want to ROAR, Take a deep breath and count to four. 12
Horses to My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
The horses eat grass in the pasture.
The horses eat hay in the barn.
The horses need plenty of water,
So they can work hard on the farm.
Horses, horses,
Horses who run in the pasture.
Horses, horses,
Horses who always say, Neigh
ICKY STICKY BUBBLE GUM by The Learning Station
(Pretend the gum is stuck to the body part in the verse of the song and then take three tries
to pull it off as it gets stuck to the next body part.)
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck to my hands.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!

I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck my hands to my head.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck my hands to my nose.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck my hands to my ears.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck my hands to my knees.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum.
I've got the icky sticky ooey gooey bubble gum stuck my hands to my hips.
So I pulled, and I pulled, and I pulled it off! Oh NO!
10 Little Horses
1 little, 2 little, 3 little horses
4 little, 5 little, 6 little horses
7 little, 8 little, 9 little horses
10 little horses run (walk, gallop, leap, sleep)


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