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The Hunger

Games Catching

Camera and Mise En Scene

A series of shots have been used including an establishing wide shots,

close up shot, and a long shot.

Most of the scenes contain clue up shots to emphasise the detail which
we need to pay attention to.

A lot of fire and blood is shown in this sequence which cold foreshadows
future events.

The shooting of the Arrow is a significant point as this is what is used in

the film, therefore fans of the movie would recognise this straight away.

Sound and lighting

The background music is quite slow and daunting. It is what an audience

would expect from a thriller film as it slowly builds up and gets more
intense throughout.

The sound is in keeping with the tone of the title sequences and matches
the scenes that occur on screen.

The lighting is kept quite dark to create an eerie and enigmatic feel for
the audience. With lots of blacks, reds and oranges these colours could
represent danger which is what occurs in the film.

Typography and Editing

The fonts used in this title sequence is very plain and simple. This is so
that it doesn't take the attention away from the actual scene.

A lot of straight cuts have been used to show the scenes build up step
by step.

Seamless editing has been used, this is evident especially when the
arrow is fired into the little symbol the audience are so immersed in
this that they do not realise that there has been a transition.

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