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Monday, March 21, y

CSD 211

- What is speech?
Neuromuscular coordination of active and passive articulators to produce

- What are the 5 basic components of language

syntax, morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics (be able to define)

- Define communication.
Involves two parties, senders and receiver, pass ideas

- Define phonetics
study of speech sounds in form, perception and substance and the application of
that study

- Section on matching type of phonetics articulatory phonetics w/ production

auditory phonetics w/ perception auditory phonetics w/ sound waves

- Define phonology

- How do you characterize consonants?

voicing, place, manner

- What sound is the tongue responsible for making?

alveolar sounds

- Define grapheme

- How do we create voicing or phonate?

vibrating vocal folds

- What are the active articulators?

tongue, lips, mandible

- What are the passive articulators?

hard palate, teeth, alveolar ridge

- one to one correspondence with sounds

- What is the study of spelling?

Monday, March 21, y

- How do speech pathologists use phonetics?
Clinical purposes
- What part of the mouth is responsible for air flow?
soft palate, Velum
- What are the two most extreme position the vocal cords can be in?
adducted and abducted (together and apart)
- Bilabial?
Sounds with lips
- Velars or sounds made with what?
tongue and velum
- Know manner of articulation
- Define cognant?
have everything in common except for voicing
- Be able to see definition of manner of production and say what it is
- Be able to see phonemes and what the place of production is
- Obstruents?
stop-plosives, fricatives, afferants (sounds where there is obstruction)
- Sonorants?
vowel like sounds liquids, glides, nasals
- Word given and give the sounds that is underlined (transcribe)
- Counting sounds
- IPA chart

Backwards transcription

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