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I was visiting my parents house.

They wanted me to come over that weekend so they

could talk to me again since Ive been away at college. While there, I decided to search in the
attic for some interesting things to sell online. It was dusty, so dusty that I sneezed. When I did
sneezed off the dust of a book. It was labeled Stories of a grandfather. Since I had nothing
better to do, I opened it up and started reading out loud to myself.
Come on grandpa! Read me that story again! A young girl says pulling at her
grandfather jeans
That one? The grey-bearded grandfather chuckled, But I thought you didnt
understand it.
I will this time! I promise! The little girl said with puppy eyes.
Oh alright, the old-timer said with a gentle smile, but you need to get ready for bed
The little girl nodded as she ran to get ready. She was staying the night at her
grandfathers house that night because her parents went on a date. It was Valentines day after
all. After brushing her teeth the little girl put on her favorite pajamas, the ones with stars and
rainbows on them. She got into bed just as the grandfather walked in with a book titled The
Farmers many stories. The gentle grandfather sat on the bed next his grandchild, already
wide-eyed and anxious. He turned to the pages about in the middle, for it was not the whole
book he wanted to read to the girl, but only the part he found she would like best.
Chapter 9: he said, Story time.
Grandpa? the girl asked
Yes? he replied
Why is the chapter called story time? she asked curiously
Well, youll find out. He cleared his throat as he started to read. The farmer, who was
by the name of Gregory, had worked hard that day. He had worked all day, and as such he
harvested many crops by that sundown. He wiped the sweat off his brow for the last time that
day as he heard his wife call him and the children in for supper. Come and get it! The wife
Your voice is funny when she talks. The grand daughter giggled.
Is it? The witty old man said in a mock womans voice. The girl laughed out loud.
Alright settle down, weve only started so listen. the grandfather said gently.
He continued reading, Gregory was excited that it was finally time to eat. He walked into
the house he made for his family. It was made mostly of wood except for the furniture and
appliances, but it was a home he enjoyed coming home to every night. He walked into the
kitchen where his kids were setting the table with plates, forks, and knives; and where his wife
was setting the table with meat, potatoes, and fresh vegetables.
Gregory walked over to his wife and gave her a nice peck on the cheek saying, Supper
looks lovely tonight darling.
His wife, by the name of Charlet, smiled and said, I sure hope it is, these are your
vegetables Greg.
The kids all sat down to eat. The youngest of them stated, We should pray before we
eat. So they did. They all held hands and prayed in unison to thank the food and to bless it.
With a final amen they all dug into their food until they couldnt eat anymore. After dinner, the

middle child, James, said Dad should read us a story before we get ready for bed! To which all
the kids agreed, and eventually, the father.
Wait, why do those kids get a story before bedtime? the little grand daughter said a
little pouty.
Gently, the grandfather replied, Because in those days, the kids had to work all day in
the hot sun, and they couldnt wait to have a story read to them. That and they could probably
go to bed in the dirty clothes they had on.
The girl gasped, They went to bed in dirty clothes?
The grandfather laughed, Sometimes, yes.
The girl crossed her arms, Thats not right.
The grandfather continued the story, The father pulled up a rocking chair with his
favorite book in his hands. He looked at the children and said, Are we all ready for a story? to
which the kids replied Yes!. He then opened up the book to the first page and started reading.
The princess teacher. Chapter one: the first day of class.
The youngest child, Jamie, raised her hand, when the farmer asked what was the
question she asked, Whats a princess?
Well darling a princess is the daughter of a king.
She raised her hand again, Whats a king?
A king is someone who rules over everything and everyone.
She raised her hand again, Whats ruling?
Think of it like hes the father of everyone.
So, if you were king, then we would have a lot more brothers and sisters right? Jamie
said excitedly.
Not quite. the farmer stated
Just let him read dear. the mother said
Jamie folded her arms. Like this. The grandfather said crossing his arms and making a
pouty face. The little girl laughed. The happy grandfather continued reading. The farmer
continued reading. Its the first day of class. I hope they like me. the princess thought as she
heard the children walking into her classroom. Hello students! she said when they all finally
came. I am your teacher for this year. You may call me Miss Sovienty, or teacher. The class
then said in unison, Hi Miss Sovienty! The day went on without a hitch. She taught her kids
math, history, and some science. The farmer looked up as he said, Im not sure how much
science they actually knew back then.
The wife said from the other room, Im sure they knew enough dear.
The husband nodded and continued reading, Eventually they came to reading. The
teacher called her students over to where they kept all of the books. Alright children, gather
round. Im going to read you the story of a young woman with a family. One of the children
raised her hand. Miss Sovienty, whats the story about? Jamie raised her hand, the farmer
saw her, Yes Jamie?
What is the story about? she asked
Ya, what is the story about? the little girl asked
Dont you remember? The grandfather asked
The little girl shook her head, I stopped paying attention, it got confusing after this.

I can agree to that, but just hold on. If you really think about it youll understand.
Ready? she nodded, Alright then. The Grandfather began reading again, The farmer looked
at his youngest child and said, Well just pay attention and youll understand. He continued
reading, The princess answered the student, Dont worry, she reassured, the answer will
become clear soon enough. The teacher opened up the book and started reading. Once upon
a time, there was a fair maiden whose name was Gladys. Gladys was very happy and the
mother of two wonderful daughters. Everyday she would clean the house and wait for her
daughters to come back from school.
Hey, like us! One of the students said
Those kids sound like us! Jamie said
They also sound really spoiled, right dad? The eldest daughter, Jennifer, asked.
Hey, the granddaughter said, dont all of the kids names start with J?
The Grandfather thought for a moment, then laughed, Ya know I think youre right!
They both laughed. Then the grandfather continued reading, You might be right
Jennifer, after all they are the sons and daughters of royals. the farmer agreed.
Wouldnt it be cool to live like a son of a royal Jamie? asked James.
Ya! We could wear pretty dresses everyday. Jamie said trying to do a little twirl with her
dress. She then stopped and asked her father, Dad, why dont we have kings and royals now?
The father, thinking quickly said, Oh they went extinct a long time ago, before you were
The mother in the other room laughed. The grandfather laughed a little after reading
The granddaughter asked, Whats so funny?
Nothing, your parents will tell you when youre older. The grandfather said.
Awwwwww. the granddaughter whined.
Dont worry, its nothing special. The grandfather continued to read, Anyway, the point
is that they arent around anymore. Besides, weve got all we need riiiiiiight here. The farmer
said as he tickled Jamie. Jamie giggled from the tickling. After she calmed down the farmer
continued to read. Yes like you! the teacher said, Gladys loved her kids very much, and to
show this she-
Let me guess, she read them a story? the little girl asked as if she knew.
Yes actually, how did you know? the grandfather asked.
It seems to be happening a lot in this book.
The grandfather nodded, Youre right about that. he then chuckled as he started to read
again. she read them a story every night before bed. Tonight she was going to read them her
favorite book. It was about-
Is it about someone reading a book? the little girl asked
Just wait and youll find out. the grandfather reassured as he continued reading. Is it
about someone reading a book? Jennifer asked.
Just wait and youll find out. the farmer calmly said as he continued to read. Is it about
someone reading a book? one of the students asked.
Now what made you think of that? the teacher asked. The boy shrugged, so the teacher
kept reading. It was about a damsel in distress and a knight coming to save her. That night,
after her kids got ready for bed, she got out the book and turned to the first page, but before she

started reading she turned to her children and asked them, Are you two ready for a bedtime
story? They both nodded, Good. she said as she started to read. This is the tale of a heroic
knight. His name was Asriel. Asriel was the greatest knight who ever lived in his day. Throughout
the kingdom he was known as Sir Asriel. There was also a young maiden named Anastasia.
She was the fairest maiden in the land and was very beautiful. Asriel was in love with this
maiden and one day went to her and said, I would go to the ends of the earth for you. I would
lay down my life for you. I love you Anastasia. Shortly after, the knight asked the king for her
hand in marriage. He accepted as this knight was a very noble man and was found favorable in
his eyes. A few months later, the knight was preparing the wedding ceremony for him and his
bride when suddenly a dragon invaded the kingdom. It snatched Anastasia right out of Asriels
grasp. With her last touch she was taken away by the evil dragon. Asriel was devastated. He
then set out to save his maiden. It was a three day trip on horse before he finally arrived at the
dragons cave. Getting off of his horse Asriel charged at the dragon striking it time after time
again. But before the knight could deliver a fatal blow, the dragon swung his deadly claws at
Asriel delivering a fatal blow to his torso. The knight fell to the ground and looked beyond into
the dragons cave. Gladys turned to her two daughters and asked, This is the last sentence in
the story, are you ready? The teacher turned to her students and asked, Are you ready? The
farmer turned to his children and asked, Are you ready? The grandfather turned to his
granddaughter and asked, Are you ready?
The Granddaughter nodded, the grandfather kept reading,
The farmers kids nodded, the farmer kept reading,
The students nodded, the teacher kept reading,
Her two daughters nodded, she kept reading,
The knight saw Anastasias corpse on a pile of gold, then Asriel, the great knight, died.
The mother closed the book, The end.
The teacher closed the book, Thats enough for today.
The Farmer closed the book, Thats enough for tonight.
The Grandfather closed the book, Thats the end of that chapter.
That book is still confusing. the granddaughter said falling back onto the bed pillow.
The grandfather laughed. He tucked in his granddaughter and kissed her on the
forehead. On his way out of the room he said with a smile, That it is Hannah, that it is.
I put down the book, Wow. I said to myself, What else does Mom and Dad have up
I then heard my mom call from downstairs, Honey! Come downstairs its time to eat!
I headed downstairs and sat at the table after washing my hands. I started to eat, it was
just spaghetti tonight so I didnt bother waiting for my parent. Eventually they sat across from me
and started talking to each other.
So Asriel honey, how was your day? my mom asked.
Great my Anastasia! How was yours? my father replied.
I laughed so hard spaghetti came out my nose.

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