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Mayer, R.E., & Moreno, R. (2010).

Techniques that reduce extraneous cognitive load and

manage intrinsic cognitive load during multimedia learning. In J. L. Plass, R. Moreno, &
R. Brnken (Eds.), Cognitive Load Theory (pp. 131-152). New York: Cambridge.

This article discusses various techniques that can be employed to help reduce extraneous
cognitive load, as well as, discusses ways to manage it during learning using multimedia
presentations. At the beginning of the article the authors define what multimedia learning is and
how people learn using it. The authors then go on to discuss the triarchic theory of cognitive
load, which specifies three kinds of cognitive processing during learning. From the point the
various principles, such as signaling and special contiguity are reviewed, and examples of how
these research-based principles can be used to significantly reduce the cognitive load
experienced by learners under different types of circumstances.
The amount of research-based evidence shared in this article, and the ease at which it is
conveyed to the reader, is amazing. The authors do a great job of breaking down the research
and using simple, easy-to-understand language instead of getting their findings muddled in
academic lingo. The examples given, with these results, makes the findings powerful and easy to
adapt into the classroom.
I thoroughly enjoyed this article. It was easy-to-read, interesting, and related very well to me as
a teacher. It made me think about all the lessons I have created over the years and I could easily
pick out ones in which extraneous cognitive load may have played a part it the student outcomes.
Revamping these lessons to include less extraneous material would, I hope, increase the student
achievement. This article was an excellent read.

van Merrinboer, J. J., & Kester, L. (2014). The four-component instructional design model:
Multimedia principles in environments for complex learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The
Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. (pp. 104-148). New York: Cambridge.

Chapter 5 discusses the four-component instructional design (4C/ID) model. This model asserts
that there are four components that are necessary for complex learning: learning tasks, supportive
information, procedural information, and part-task practice. The main focus of this chapter is
discussion about how this model is used to design multimedia learning. It goes on to explain
how the 22 multimedia principles, such as the collaboration principle and the cohesive principle,
go hand in hand with the four-component instructional design model. The authors also provide
research-based data to support the relationship.
This chapter gets a little tedious due to the high amount of data given as pertaining to the model
and the coherence with the principles. However, without that amount of data, the material would
be meaningless. The authors do a good job of compiling the information succinctly but it still, at
times, gets a little muddled and tedious.
This is not one of my favorite chapters in the book, however, it is extremely relevant. The use of
the model along with the ties to the 22 principles, gives this chapter the meat it needs to be very
beneficial when discussing research-based information.

Low, R., & Sweller, J. (2014). The modality principle in multimedia learning. In R. E. Mayer
(Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. (pp. 227-246). New York:

In chapter 9, the authors discuss the modality principle as it applies to multimedia learning and
capacity limitations. While these limitations are pretty rigid, there is one principle, the modality
principle that seems to be able to expand the working memory capacity. IN essence, the
modality principle is when information is split between the auditory and the visual modes. This
split can reduce the effects of excessive cognitive load. This chapter discusses the principle indepth by looking at the theory behind it and the data that supports it.
This chapter is an interesting read. At first, I didnt fully understand the concept behind the
principle but after reading the material it all made sense. It seems common sense to me that if
the information can be split into two separate modes, visual and auditory, then the brain can
make better sense of it by being able to combine new information with previous learning without
the influx of huge amounts of information.
This is a short chapter and an easy read but it is full of information. The data presented in this
chapter definitely backs the claims made by the authors.

Renkl, A. (2014). The worked examples principle in multimedia learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. (pp. 391-412). New York:
In this chapter, Renkl discusses the worked examples principle. The worked examples principle
consists of a problem and a solution. They also, in most cases, consists of solution steps that lead
to the final solution. This is especially the case when the worked examples consist of advanced
mathematical problems that require complex algorithms. The theory behind the principle is that
learners will gain a deeper understanding of the content, when learning in multimedia based
lessons, when they have a worked example to follow as a guide. While this principle may make
sense on the surface, more research must be done before it can be called truly valid.
The worked examples principle is interesting to say the least. It is something that I have worked
with all of my life, just never, that I can recall, in a multimedia setting. I remember seeing
problems like this in math books in high school but the teachers never spoke or taught about
them. They were basically used as a map and guided where you were supposed to go. The
upside what there was a framework to follow. The downside was there was no teaching to
support the framework. If you got derailed in your learning you had to figure it out by yourself.
The information in this chapter is helpful. It does a good job of explaining exactly what a
worked example is. However, once I read a little into the chapter I knew exactly what it was and
could relate it to my past learning.

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