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) Medical and Family Conditions

Safar Banu belonged to a poor family. Most her time was spent with work in the field
shredding jute fibers and taking care of her children and husband. She put her
family first before herself to the point that sometimes that she has only water to
drink because there is no rice left. The man she married was deeply religious,
always leaving everything to Allahs hands instead of actually doing something for
his family. He greatly relied on their traditional healer rather than turning to medical
help since Gopal Daktar offered a lot less compared to doctors. Living in the village,
the people were influenced by superstitions in some aspects of their life. Safar
Banus mother believed in them especially the ones told by the women in their area
that the blood from Safar Banus womb and legs, which is polluted and harmful, had
risen to her head, and she had not bled enough to drain the polluted blood.

Being financially unstable and having low income, Safar Banu was malnourished.
She has given birth to nine children without the help of a clinic, and she decided to
do the same on her tenth delivery despite fearing that she might not survive it. Due
to her work, she was not able to get medical assistance and pre-natal checkup
during her pregnancy. After childbirth, she was diagnosed by the Midwife to have
anemia. Safar Banu experienced dizziness, swelling, sweating profusely, and sudden
weakening of her entire body to the point that she was not able to support herself
upright anymore. There was no post-natal checkup given to her since she was still in
the villages delivery hut with no professional doctor to examine her deteriorating
condition. When on the 7th day she lost consciousness, she was brought to the
hospital, but it was too late, and she died the following day.

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