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SATELLITE Could Be Placed Into Orbit To Hunt For UFO Evidences

If you believe in aliens, you have probably met people who treated you with skepticism.
Canadian developers are currently workout out things to send a quality satellite in the low-earth
orbit along with radiation and camera that is capable of detecting and capturing the world's first
conclusive video footage of alien vessel to see if the real truth is available. The Crowdsourcing
Indiegogo campaign project stated their funds at approximately $50,000 to launch and develop
the "Cubesat for Disclosure." When asked about the disclosure of the movement, NASA and
space agencies possess the capacity to detect aliens and extraterrestrial vessels but choose to
disclose the information from the public because they are scared that such knowledge would
effect greater beings that may have on authority and religion of their existence. Disclosure
conspiracists worked so hard for world governments to release all the confidential files they
possess on the subject of UFO phenomena and aliens, but it has been a long-time coming, they

Indiegogos goal is to place the project in the hands of the citizens, to take over the quest they
got. The satellite possesses a scintillation counter to examine the ionising radiation levels that
may indicate the existence of alien craft claiming some researchers, and dual cameras that will
record even the view is 360 degree. Software engineer Dave Cote developed the though with
fellow researchers and stated in a promotional video that the media and military created great
attempts to discredit the thought of extraterrestrial aliens despite many events and sightings. The
$100 contributors of start-up claims will be allowed access to CubeSat data while the $500 can
be actively involved and take the images. According to Scott C Waring, the editor of UFO
Sightings Daily, the technology used in the public hands could be the event that causes full
disclosure of the alien existence.

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