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Hayley Robbins

March 1, 2016
Elizabeth Kent
English 1020 Harry Potter
Assignment 2
Government Corruption: The Factors
In various countries around the world, there are many factors that add to the
downfall of a government. Looking back on just the United States governments
history, we see many instances of corruption in our local and overall political
systems. Even in fiction we act out the rhetorical situation to a governments
downfall. Throughout the ages weve read books and watched movies about
government corruption and the famous figures whove participated in the act.
Through research and knowledge of the topic, we can relate fictional sources and
real written documents to better understand what it takes to corrupt a government.
Aladwani, Adel M. "Corruption as a Source of E-Government Projects Failure in
Developing Countries: A Theoretical Exposition." <i>International Journal of
Information Management</i> 36.1 (2016): 105-12. Web.
In this journal, Aladwani researches the use of e-Government as a tool to prevent
corruption in todays governments. This text explains how the use of how eGovernment plays key roles in exterminating the control of e-government projects in
developing countries. He explains the prevalence of the use of e-governments in
todays government and how it could destruct moral and governance overall ability
of administrative systems to oversee e-governments, which could lead to failure to
produce product that stakeholders approve of. This study discusses the frameworks
for helping the scientifically inclined and government officials interested in the idea
of e-government. Having been written this past February, its an up-to-date
research. For my use of this research journal, I can use the idea of using different
forms of government to prevent the corruption of one leader or a figure in his
political party. With the use of a different way of governing a state, you have new

opportunities and different restrictions. The strengths of this journal would be that it
can support the idea that government corruption has tried to be prevented by new
ways of governing. This text explains the importance of all governments through the
ideas of using e-government in smaller under-developed countries. The weaknesses
could be the type of government they are trying to use and the change that it has
on the people of that state. In smaller states, it could help; but in larger states in
fear of corruption, it could cause political differences and idealists not quite
Bland, Gary. "Measuring Subnational Government Corruption in the Developing
World." <i>Public Integrity</i> 16.3 (2014): 265-84. Web.
In this journal entry, it is explained how smaller governments and sub-colonies are
at risk for corruption just as well as larger more official governments are. Even
without an empirical explanation for corruption in our even smaller governments, in
this journal they measure and asses the vulnerability to participate in corrupt
practices. In smaller forms of governments you have more often than not a smaller
political party or even a family based government considering youre in a smaller
region, but through the research of Gary Bland in this journal he proves that its just
as easy for their governments to be corrupted too. The strengths that a smaller
party has is that they have less reason to corrupt their government. They have less
people in their party to have to decide on a topic or run companies.
Bologna, Jamie, and Amanda Ross. "Corruption and Entrepreneurship:
Evidence from Brazilian Municipalities." <i>Public Choice</i> 165.1-2 (2015): 5977. Web.
In this article, Jamie Bologna and Jamie Ross explain the use of economics
and business and its role in corruption. The have based some of their research on
audits of random municipal governments. Higher levels of corruption is often based
off of the fall of businesses and loss of power and money from these

establishments. Apparently, corruption is fairly detrimental in the end. Of course its

hard to recover from the burden of an insider trading on you, but researchers find
sometimes it isnt as bad as you let off. The effect of corruption on business activity
has been proven to be insignificant or even positive conditional on smaller less
fortunate institutions. Corruption has been used by entrepreneurs and businessmen
to get by from paying certain regulations and taxes, also. The significance of this
journal in my essay is to show the importance of business and the regulation of
taxes and flow of money throughout our governments. Giving that the government
holds a lot of control over the economic status, if there is corruption in our
businesses, then there is technically corruption in our government. The laws held on
taxes and levys for businesses are often easily broken by the owner to either make
more money or take someone elses money. The amount of power that each
individual running the government has makes it very easy for them to find a way
through the system. Sometimes in corruption its for purely to rob someone of their
money, but other times its for the actual better.
<i>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</i>. Warner Home Video, 2011..
In this movie from the series by J.K Rowling, The Ministry of Magic faces one of its
biggest downfalls in the series. Lord Voldemort orders his men to take over the
Ministry of Magic and kill the current government official. The Ministry has now
been corrupted by the death eaters and the wizarding world is in terrible danger.
This movie explains the governments situation in the series and how its corruption
effects the people it governs. The use of this in my essay would be the fictional
relation to corruption in government and the way we see the downfall of our
economy during such an event. Our views on something also offer a better
understanding to how a situation would act out. Such as, in previous instances in
government when an individual rebelled or wasnt loyal to their people, they would

be punished and removed from their position, exactly what we would expect to
happen. So we can expect that if our government was to fail, panic would occur. You
could argue that if an opposing force was to take over our government like in this
particular movie, we would go to war and fight for a deserving leader. We could
relate their government in the series to our government today, and being filmed
and written in the past decade and a half, its an updated representation of how our
government is today and the reactions by the people and the state. The only
difference between the fictional representation and how it would actually play out
today, is some of the realistic circumstances and we would probably have more war
and chaos.
Sikka, Prem, and Glen Lehman. "The Supply-side of Corruption and Limits to
Preventing Corruption within Government Procurement and Constructing Ethical
Subjects." Critical Perspectives on Accounting 28 (2015): 62-70. Web
In this journal there is argument of the use of government corruption in
procurement companies. They explained the governments control over certain
manufacturing departments that promoted ethical conduct and restrained
individuals. They were merely out for money or to secure lucrative contracts. With
practices in contemporary capitalism, these individuals were entirely too willing to
engage in practices to corrupt practices and hold their government position and
department contracts. There are two case studies that were held to show the issues
that these actions may cause. It is argued that because of the supply of the
government and the money made from the abilities they have make it nearly
impossible to prevent corruption in the government. The use of this journal in my
paper is to show the similarities that the government and production have in
relationship to corruption. One of the main purposes of the government is to help

control the flow of the economy. Being given that kind of power over millions of
people can cause many inside corruptions.

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