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à Ê $Someone lacking poise or social grace
6 Ê  %$› person who acts rather "obscure" or has odd tendencies
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,-&!$someone of extremely lacking strength and stamina
-$someone easily intimidated or subdued by fear
12 Ê .$"asically the bad apples in the school They are usually known for teasing
students, stealing, and using explicit swear words ›lso known as bully
 $Students who essentially remain detached from their academic work, and
show no interest in it 
" .$students who usually break the school rules, are in detention most of the
time, and they might be part of gangs 
1à ʬ%$|haracteristics often associated to her are a pleasant appearance,
charisma, skill in manipulation and monetary power
16 Ê$people who act like somebody they are not and they tend to try extremely
hard to fit into a certain subculture, sometimes to very annoying levels
17 Ê$Úsually introverts, but some may be complete extroverts, these people have
little or no friends
'*&$Students who believe in individual freedom and nonconformity 
) $irls who wear the extremely expensive designer clothes, and the ones who
are up to the minute with the latest fashions Úsually not so bright socially or
20 Ê!$The preps are students that dress cleanly and nicely and appear to come from
well-off families

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