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1)In 1867 Qatar had a Conflict over territorial claimswith

Bahrain. Beginnings of Qatar independence was seen

when Britain signed a treaty recognizing Qatar as a separate entity
instead of being part of Bahrain.After Ottomans established a garrison in
1871 to 1931 at emirs invitation, Qatar signed a deal with Britain which
guaranteed the protection of Qatars external affairs in 1916. After oil
discovery, revenues from oil started replacing pearling and fishing in
Qatar leading to expansion of fund and modernizing of infrastructure. In
1968 Britain announced the withdrawal of its forces from the gulf and
Qatar earned its independence from Britain on September 3.
2) Most famous and attractive places to visit in Qatar:
a. Souq waqif.
b. Katara
c. The Pearl
d. Museum of Islamic art.
e. Shopping malls include: villaggio, landmark and ezdan mall.
f. Banana island
g. Sealine
3) Alzubarah castle: it was a flourishing trading port as well as pearl
fishing port. Nowadays it is considered one of the heritage sites here in
Qatar, with large city walls, ancient residential places, markets, industrial
areas and mosques.
Souq waqif is another heritage place in Qatar which was basically a
market were people used to sell while standing and it was named
after them, Souq=market and waqif=standing. Recently it went
through restoration and it is one of the top tourist places containing
shops and restaurants in traditional Qatari fashion.
4) Qatari cuisine:
a. Machboo: richly spiced rice with seafood or meat or chicken.
b. Ghuzi, rice bed with a whole roasted lamb on the top with nuts.
c. Loqaimat is a desert looks like crunchy dumpling sweet.
d. Harees is a famous Qatari dish with consistency usually that of
porridge. It is made of wheat that is boiled and cracked and mixed
with chicken or meat. (
e. Mathroba it is similar to harees but more of red-orange color
consisting of creamy, buttery chicken wheat porridge
f. Balaleet a famous breakfast Qatari dish.

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