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Rick Brazil

Dr. Z
ENG 350
Black Names in America
Numerous studies proof the fact that using individual names can often indicate the race of
a person or originality. Most blacks have adopted using distinctive names, especially those living
in ethnically isolated areas. The result of such choice has had huge consequences, particularly in
the division between Whites and Blacks in the United States of America. The consequences of
using distinctively black names in the United States are huge, and the practice has dramatically
influenced blacks in America on how they perceive their identities. Although distinctively black
names had a great negative impact in previous generations, the impact has reduced in the past
two centuries due to more awareness about the problem. In recent, United States in collaboration
with other countries have promoted equality of all races.
Most black parents are concerned about which names to give their children, especially
those in America. They believe names posses positive and negative effects in life. Parents are
more concerned even before their children are born that a distinctive black name like Aisha,
Tanishaor Jayden, for example, would minimize the probabilities of such children being cleared
for a job interrogation, should the panelist interviewing job applicants have any problem to do
with race or nationality differences. According to Kremer childrens names become a subject of
choice rather than tradition, they reveal more about the individuals doing the choosing. An
example of this is where a person can without difficulties guess whether a person in the United
States of America is white or black.
For instance, T.J. And Anita looked into the face of their 14 month baby and saw a
promising future. Her parents had an expectation of her growing to be an intelligent woman who

could face all challenges of life without fear, that is why they gave her the names that reflected
such characteristics. Assata Akili. Assata meant she who struggles, and Akili, a Tanzanian name
meaning smartness. Her daughters names never meant discrimination, but it was meant to define
her. However, research from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows cases of
employers discriminate against job applicants because of their black sounding names on their
resumes despite of their qualifications, job experience or education level. According to Wells
Black names revealed something about their parents social standing, political life and their race.
The law of cause and effect says something about how the identity of someone can have either a
positive or negative impact on their destiny. Without a doubt, there is some evidence that parents
are naming their children black names can influence how their children perform while in school
and to a large extent even in their career opportunities.
In the debate whether names mattered in hiring, examine the issues arising from the
discussion about the outcome of naming. According to Monster names affect your destiny.
Research conducted in University of Chicago in 2003 showed 5000 fabricated resumes in
different positions in Boston, 50 percent of applicants with white names were more likely to be
interviewed and get the jobs than those with black-sounding names. The gap was uniform across
employer size, occupation and industry. But in a different study, published in September 2003 by
the National Bureau of Economic Research, revealed controversial conclusions in a different
perspective. The research found no harmful impact of a distinctive black name on life outcomes.
Although the research from the National Bureau of Economic Research no harmful
impact, the consequences of distinctively black names remain a concern debate. According to
Levitt Not only in job discrimination alone, but those with black names are segregated from
public schools, low wages, poor health facilities and discrimination against intermarriages and

other issues like people without help in the society. For example, in 1995 university of Pittsburgh
study titled Preschool Childrens selection of Race-Related Personal Names, associate
professor Jack L. Daniel asked 182 white and black 4-5 year old children's questions related to
negative and positive behavior, black names were associated with laziness, not smart, fighting
and not nice people.
Eventually, names presented a strong indication of social and economic status of an
individual, although this was not the case formerly. However there was no underlying negative
impact of individuals life outcomes for those who possessed black names distinctively. "Nothing
could be further from the truth than to say, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will
never hurt me,' " says Daniel, also a professor in the communications department. "Names will
hurt you." Words often become euphemisms for concepts, and people have all types of
associations with names. T. J. Flannigan knows firsthand that having a white-sounding name isn't
necessarily an advantage in ultimately getting a job, though it has helped him get his foot in the
door. When searching for an electrician's job in Ohio, he always received a warm reception over
the telephone.
However, when Thomas Jefferson Flannigan showed up for the personal interview, jaws
dropped and brows furrowed because he wasn't the Irish lad they had expected."You could see a
definite shock and sort of reaction, like I'm-going-to-have-to-go-through-with-this-now-that-he'shere kind of look," says Flannigan, who works as a barber and hopes to turn his hobby of
producing and writing music into a career. He believes parents should name their children as they
wish, but that they should make sure the name has meaning." Take time to really name your child
and investigate it," he says. "Every time you call their name, its meaning will be in their

subconscious." Still the effects remain huge in some parts of the country depending on the
perception of the people in that community
In the past, most blacks have named their children distinctively black names, these names
revealed something about their identity. Naming in the dark reveals clearly that there is a
difference in the way some communities are treated about their ethnic background. Some blacks
children end up being denied some rights like job opportunities, amoungst different oppturnities
in life. Although these problems exist in the United States, it is happening world with predigousy
amoungst different cultures.

Works Cited
Kremer, William. Does a baby's name affect its chances in life. United kingdom: print.(2014):
.Web. June 15, 2015, 3.
Monster, Dan. Do 'Black' Names Matter in Hiring. New York:(2012): Web. June 15, 2015, 5.
Well, Katherine. How Much Does Your Name Matter. New York. American journal (2013):
.Freakonomics film.Web. June, 15, 2015, 2.
Levitt, Steven. The Causes and Consequences of Distinctively Black Names. How do babies
with super-black names fare. New York. (2015): New York City journalist. Web.
June 29, 2015, 5.

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