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The key technique in the Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga system is the Cobra Breath, a
precious gift to humankind from Babaji, a Himalyan yogi of great power and
wisdom. Kriya masters have said that a million disease-free years of life on this
planet are required to evolve a perfected brain capable of experiencing Cosmic
Consciousness. Kriya practice enables one to move at a much faster pace, since each
Cobra Breath produces one year of spiritual maturation. The Cobra Breath pulls
Shakti (or magnetic) energy into the spine, changing the electromagnetic properties
of the cerebrospinal fluid, allowing Kundalini to move up the spine. As the brain
bathes in this magnetized fluid, the nervous system is transformed, and you awaken
to a new consciousness.
The teaching of the Cobra Breath is an oral lineage passed from teacher to teacher
for thousands of years. This tradition is strictly adhered to for reasons of safety in
manipulating Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is the most powerful energy in the
body and is nothing to trifle with. This ancient breath technique was long held secret
because of its great power. Traditionally, methods as powerful as Cobra Breath were
given only to very advanced students after long years of preparation, and then under
close supervision of a master-teacher. It is now time to make these secret and
profound methods more available, protected as they are by a self-selection process.
Those who are not ready for them arent usually interested.
The Cobra snake is chosen as the symbol of the Cosmic Cobra Breath. Kundalini
energy has often been depicted in ancient drawings as a serpent coiled three and one
half times at the base of the spine. Kundalini is Life Force, or Consciousness, and
also it is sexual energy. When sexual energy is aroused, the serpent may climb up
the spine to the higher centers of the brain, expanding the consciousness. The cobra
snake is chosen specifically because it flares its head before striking. This act
symbolizes the expansion of consciousness. A corollary of this symbolism is found
in traditional depictions of the Hindu God Shiva. He is always shown with a Cobra
snake wound around his body, usually around his neck, but sometimes around his
arm or waist. He, and his followers; the wandering Sadhus in India; often carry a
trident, or three-pronged spear. The three blades represent the male, the female and
divine union, as in the meaning of the circuit of breathing used in the Cobra Breath.

The first cobra breath technique

With the tip of the tongue touching the upper part of the teeth, inhale through the
mouth feeling a cold energy coming up through the back part of the spine up to
Kutastha. This upward movement of Prana is helped by Mula Bandha which is
practiced after the breath leaves the Muladhar Chakra and by a moderate form of
Uddiyana which is practiced after the breath passes beyond the Manipura Chakra.
The energy goes through the Medulla towards Kutastha. Hold your breath and
swallow, pulling your chin back and slightly down. After about 3 seconds or more,
take a sniff and begin exhalation. The energy is visualized moving from Kutastha
upwards and over the middle of the skull -- keeping close to it. When the flow of

energy reaches the Fontanelle, the Mula Bandha and Uddiyana are released, energy
travels down the back of skull. Smile, opening thus the Medulla where the energy
returns inward. Keep your smile while the energy flows downward to Muladhar. The
"Awww" and "Eeee" sounds are made by the breath as it goes up and down. Repeat
at least 12 times.
The second cobra breath technique
Inhale through the nose visualizing the energy ascending through a channel
situated in front of the spine. As the energy passes through each Chakra, a subtle
pulsing of the Vairoli Mudra is performed. The tongue is up in a simple form of
Kechari Mudra. The energy travels up through the tongue to pause at the Pineal
gland. Cobra breath one stimulates the Pituitary gland, while Cobra breath two
stimulates the Pineal. As the energy ascends Om Na Mo Bha Ga Va are mentally
placed in each Chakra. After placing Va in the center of the head the breath is held.
The face turns right, then left and then the chin is lowered to chest. After a few
moments, head is returned parallel and the Mantra continues (Te Va Su De Va Ya)
as the energy travels down from the Medulla through the back of the spine to
Muladhar. At the start of the exhalation, tongue is relaxed and a slight expulsion of
air (similar to Kapalabhati) is released at each Chakra with the "EEE" sound. Sound
and breath are fluid all the way down, just accentuated to further sharpen the
awareness of each Chakra. Repeat at least 12 times.
The third cobra breath technique
Inhale equally through the mouth and nose in three portions. With the first
portion, draw the golden light in through Kutastha and store it in Vishuddhi. Inhale
again, this time a larger portion bringing golden light in and store in Anahata. For
the last time inhale again, this is the largest inhalation, the golden light is stored in
Manipura. Beginning with the first inhalation, make a slight Mula Bandha and with
each successive intake of breath, tighten it. When the inhalation is complete, pause,
collect your attention at the base of the spine and, exhaling, intone "Om" out loud.
During exhalation Mula Bandha and Kechari Mudra are released. The golden light
are guided up through Sushumna and out through the crown. Repeat at least 12

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