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--Brogon returns

Styyr: 1

Dawn breaks, brushing aside

the constellations of the night like
cobwebs. Brilliant streaks of lilac and
tangerine light up the eastern skies.
Birdsong fills the air, accompanied by
a gentle breeze that smells faintly of
the sea-salt from the waters of the
Belt. It is going to be a beautiful day.

Language: Kan
And so the gods
Athena: In dragons lair
Cress, Darksbane(?), Lagertha, Eriad,
Rache travelling
Brogon Brodude
-currently searching for herbs
Monsters/random encounters:
Near town:
Zombies (pg. 316)

Brogon touches down at the

entrance of the cave with a surprising
lightness for such a huge creature.
For a moment, outlined by the brilliant
colors of the dawn, he looks truly
Sup, babe. Damn, you look fiiiine.
Wait, sorry, got distracted. Are you



Deer (pg. 321)

>Wait, what?

Dire Wolf (pg. 321)

Displacer Beast (81)

For our marriage, of course! Man, our

babies are gonna be soooo gorgeous. I
can see it now. A litter, playing by the

Dragons Lair Area:

Group 2:

Kobolds (195)

Travelling to find A on behalf of Tiere

--use your surroundings! DM likes

creative ways to kill things

Character: Boris the Mad (mad hermit)

Cockatrice (42)


They call me Boris the Mad. The

voices, that is. My real names Steve,
but nooo, thats far too boring.

Group 1:

-Hermit on hut along path


Will talk about strange goings on in

Eths capital, but will also point party
in that direction to sell stuff. Will tell
party that the south is too dangerous
to pass right now the beasties are

Stuck in dragons lair

getting stirred up because of old

If party goes south, will encounter
dragons (pg. 85)

Dragons Lair
(2 exits: front & back)

Once party is reunited:

Tiere appears
Declares party to be his champions
Tells them that they need to spread his
influence so that he may gain
strength; promises them what they
desire (Callon: family Dont you
wonder how theyve gone through life
in your absence? Cress: revenge
Youll get enough power to challenge
your master and take what you desire
Athena: adventure daughter, havent
you always wished to see the world?
Lagertha: power Follow me, and you
will gain all the troops you desire.)

Hermits Hut
Small Shrine
--You see a small shrine, nestled into a
crevice. It seems old, and no one
recognizes any of the symbols inside
of it.
Haunted Inn (not accessible atm)
Farmsteads outside of Pylene

City is okayish but the keep is overrun
Freedom fighter (Crescius younger

Will send them to Eth for random

quests (yayyyy)

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