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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Chapter 13
The Art Of
Creation Through Faith

Before You Die…

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being

By D. James Sell
 2007 All Rights Reserved

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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

© 2007
Jami Sell
603 East High Street
Apt. 1
Oakland, MD
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Before You Die…

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being
by D. James Sell
 2007 All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 God Juice………………………………………………………….…..1
Chapter 2 The Work of Christ…………………………………………………..19
Chapter 3 The Dynamics of Thought and Belief…………………………......34
Chapter 4 Habitation of Demons……………………………………………..…54
Chapter 5 Being…………………………………………………………………..82
Chapter 6 Self Worth……………………………………………………………107
Chapter 7 How To Minister Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit…………..117
Chapter 8 Awareness…………………………………………………….....…148
Chapter 9 Manifestation………………………………………………….…….157
Chapter 10 Intercession and Prayer……………………………….…………..178
Chapter 11 Interacting With The Hidden World…………………….….…….186
Chapter 12 Advanced Manifestation…………………………………….….…194
Chapter 13 The Art of Creation Through Faith..…………………… …….…230
Chapter 14 Solution Orientation…………………………………………........242
Chapter 15 Awakening To Ultimate Truth…………………………………....248
Chapter 16 The Authority of the Believer…………………………….………256
Chapter 17 How To Operate In Faith and Authority….............................265
Chapter 18 The Final Word…….……………………………………………..277

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God By D. James Sell  2006 All Rights Reserved
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being

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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Here is a sample from

Chapter 13
The Art Of
Creation Through Faith

Through the use of faith there is a potential for abundance in the earth. Most people believe that faith
is when you suspend the five physical senses and just “believe” in something else. This is not real faith
and it is precisely why this so called “faith’ does not work. The bible tells us that faith is the spiritual
substance of things hope for, the evidence of what cannot be seen in the physical realm. Faith is the only
thing that pleases God because it is the only access point to the unseen, lasting substance that God used to
create the physical realm. (Hebrews 11:1-3)
In order for faith to “work” for us, we must come to understand that it has more to do with our destiny
than it does with ignoring what is currently manifested around us. By faith we do disregard certain
unwanted manifestations and move through them, but this involves more than just ignoring the current
symptoms and circumstances. Real faith is when we are able to move beyond our five physical senses
and discern what is the reality of the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is what is “real” and it is the
only thing that is everlasting. When we see this it becomes real to us and manifests in us, that is when
faith will “work” and produce results in the physical realm.
We exist in and so are surrounded by the physical realm. This manifested realm is temporary. We can
change this physical realm because it is temporary. Faith is the substance of the spiritual realm and it is
lasting and unchangeable. The reality of the spiritual realm is coming into manifestation and all of the
temporary things are passing away. By placing within us, the reality of what is lasting, we can speak to
the temporary things and change them to what is lasting. We don’t ignore what is currently manifested
we change inside of ourselves and this change within causes change to take place in the world around us.
This process is very simple and it will also work in the negative. If you believe something that is
temporary and untrue you will produce unwanted manifestations in the physical realm. This explains
why there can be so much pain and suffering in the world when it is not God’s will for it to exist. The
way to avoid this is to move pass the five physical senses and move in faith…

A quick study of quantum physics reveals that the physical universe is made up of about 97% empty
space. Form is not dense and immoveable as most people believe it to be. The universe is not infinite,
but instead it contains enough empty space to accommodate any choice that can ever potentially be made.
Without choice, there is only the perfection of truth, or the existence of God.
Researchers in Germany have concluded that “free will” does not exist. They produced an experiment
where an individual looks at a computer screen and chooses a position on a clock face. As an example,
the person may get an impression and choose “11 o’clock” or “5 o’clock” and these responses are
recorded. To quickly summarize the results, the researchers found that before the person “makes the
choice” the brain switches on and gives an impression that causes the person to respond and believe that
they have chosen the position as an act of “free will”. They conclude that “free will” does not exist and is
only an illusion created when the brain switches on before the person gives a response. Basically, they
have observed that people “do what they do”, because their brains are pre-programmed to respond in a
certain way.
An interesting study but these researchers have neglected that the subject must first give their attention
to the test. The brain doesn’t just “switch on” and the test subject shows up for the experiment! People
are interviewed and selected to participate and then told what they are to do in the trial. The brain
“switches on” only after the individual gives his attention and focus to the task at hand.

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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The implication is not that there is no “free will”, but that choice is somehow a part of the thing being
given attention and focus. In other words, when you give your attention and focus to a particular thing,
your “free will” or “choice” is already pre-programmed into what you have given your attention. You
have “free will” to choose what you give your attention and focus to, but once you “look” at a thing, your
“choice” has already been made! You become what you behold.
The study of quarks, the building blocks of quantum physics, reveals that they respond differently
when they are observed. Initially they behave like waves. These waves contain all the potential locations
that a particle could occupy. They start out by containing all possible outcomes but when they are
observed, the waves immediately change form and take a specific location where they behave like a
Since the “action” of the observer reduces all the potential outcomes to one specific outcome and
changes the form from a wave to a particle, proper focus becomes vitally important. The physical world
of form can be changed through focus and the state of being of the observer. Matter can be affected when
this energy exchange is given a vehicle through thought or speech. Thought and speech affect the
positioning of matter.
From these insights, it would appear that you have a choice to observe whatever you desire and that
your state of being then changes the current manifestation. This is true but we must also consider that
choice and free will are already built into whatever you choose to observe. You have the power to choose
what you observe, but what you choose is a result of your state of being which has been formed by
previous observations. Your current choices are a result of your past observations that came through
personal experiences and the guidance of others. Your existing free will results from your past choices to
observe specific things. These “things” have become a part of you since you always become what you
behold. Your current situation is made up of your past choices, but your past choices are a result of
people and things that have steered the focus of your attention to specific things to observe. People and
“things” are always speaking to you and they are volleying for the focus of your attention. You will
repeat what you hear spoken to you. Your choices and free will are determined by what you observe.
What you observe will determine what you think and speak, and what you speak will resonate with
unseen things that will then manifest. While it is true that you have free will and the ability to choose
what you observe, your choices are affected by, and interwoven with all humanity and the world around
you. You choose what you choose because you have been instructed by people and circumstances to look
at these things. These things contain your free will and choice. By observation, you are confined to the
choices that are built into the things that you give the focus of your attention.
The key to successfully manifesting the lasting things of God is to become solution oriented. When
you look for solutions instead of attempting to solve problems, you are using your power of choice to
select the eternal truth. Eternal truth contains your future free will and choices. By focusing on the
solution you are choosing to make the choices that will manifest the lasting things of God’s nature and
character. When you look at the problem and attempt to find answers, you are choosing the things which
make the problem real and it will continue to manifest more of itself in and through you. When you focus
on answers instead of solutions, you hold the belief that the problem is the spiritual reality and “allow” its
continued existence. You have made the choice to have your future choices and free will remain locked
into the problem. Even if you find an “answer”, it will be a temporary one since your focus is to observe
the problem. The problem will never go away until you choose to observe “something” other than the
“Being” solution oriented connects you to all the things necessary for resolution. Faith—is the
existence of solutions that provide lasting change. Solutions are the substance of faith that already exists
in the spiritual realm.
Faith Without Works?
The way in which to escape this “pre-programming” is to operate in faith. Faith, when exercised
properly, brings you to the current moment of “now” where you view the lasting spiritual realities. When
you hear the truth of these lasting things, you switch your focus and so switch your free will and choice to
what is lasting. These are already built in to what you observe.

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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

This concludes your sample preview of this chapter.

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