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How I mixed my Final Recording

1. When I started to mix, firstly I imported my first two tracks, the vocals and the
piano backing track.

Both tracks

2. I then went through both tracks and moved them with the mouse to make them in
time with one another.

3. Afterwards I then went through both 'in time' tracks and cut parts so I could silence
them, I silenced noises like breaths, coughs, and unneeded sounds or echoes.

4. Then I took each track separately and soloed them out and went through each one
to EQ them, by doing this I was able to boost and reduce the levels
of different frequencies so they sounded of a balanced and nice quality.

I then took the piano track and put EQ on it, this also allowed the track to be of a
good quality. So when I played both tracks together they sounded very nice.

The next step of mixing was then putting pan on both tracks, this is a very small mixing
technique which decides whether I want the music to be heard out of the right or left
After this I then balanced each tracks, this just deciphers the volume of each
track, I made the piano track slightly quieter than the vocals, because the vocals
should be present at the very front of the recording.

For my third track I added the percussion, which was a tambourine. I cut and
copied each tambourine tap onto some beats of my recording; this then gave it a
percussive element. I also then balanced out the volume so it was quieter than the
vocals and slightly quieter than the piano, but not a lot.

Once all of the tracks were nicely put together I saved the three tracks as one
whole track and exported it. I then opened a new reason file and imported the one
whole recording so they were all together; this was when I added compression. By
adding compression it brings down the frequencies, which makes the piece sound
more together.

Then when the compression was finished I added reverb. This just adds echoes to
the piece and allows it to sound different depending on the scale of the room, such
as a school hall, large room, and medium room. I choose my reverb to be the sound
quality as it if it was being played/sung in a medium room. This was so that it
didn't sound too over the top and it was on a good level.

Finally I saved my final recording and exported it from reason.

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