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Do not just rely on food to build muscle. You will also have to exercise pretty hard.

Eat 6 times
a day.
1. Breakfast in morning at 8 am. (
2. Healthy snacks at 11.30 am.
3. Lunch at 1 pm.
4. Healthy snacks at 4 pm.
5. Dinner at 8 pm.
6. Fruits at 10 pm.
Ideally, you should eat every 3 hours. Healthy and balanced diet with good amount of workout
will help you achieve your goal.
MEAL 1:Roasted spinach,milk,peanuts,some fruits.
MEAL 2:Wheat glutin and banana.
MEAL 3:Potatoes,rice,cheese,legumes,beans.
MEAL 4:Soy milk,fruits,sprouted grains.
MEAL 5:rice,pulses,legumes,cheese.
MEAL 6:Wheat glutin,milk.

Go to the Gym with empty stomach.

After coming from Gym, eat some Almonds and Grams put in water from last night.
Then take your meal after 1-2 hrs.
Take 5-6 Bananas in the lunch.
Eat 2-3 Eggs in the evening to have protein from them.
Then take your dinner containing more of Salads and Green Vegetables.
Then take 1 big glass of milk before sleeping.

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