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MRs life in danger: Joint opposition

2016-03-23 18:55:01

The joint opposition said today former president Mahinda Rajapaksas life is
in danger and the government must take responsibility if anything untoward happened to him.
SLFP MP Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena said the government had neither allocated a cent to the
repairing of Mr. Rajapaksas bullet-proof vehicle that met with an accident several months ago nor
had he be allocated an official residence even after 14 months.
It is the joint opposition that is carrying out the duties of the opposition. We have had to face lot of
threats and intimidation.Mr. Rajapaksa, who represents the joint opposition, has serious issues with
regard to his security. We have firsthand experience where Gamini Dissnayake and Lalith
Athulathmudali, who led the Democratic United National Front against the then government, were
killed. So we have a reasonable fear about Mr. Rajapaksas life as well, he said.
Mr. Abeywardena told a news conference that Mr. Rajapaksas security concerns had aggravated
after former LTTE leaders were released and with underworld gangsters freely operating in the
This government has shown its inability to rule this country. So it is trying to suppress the people
and we are the only group preventing the government from doing so, he said. (Ajith Siriwardana)


Comments - 1

Gobba Wednesday, 23 March 2016 19:11

Ha ha ha Joke of the Century. Must be planning to SHOOT HIMSELF. And talking about money. MR would
have TONS OF IT, to even BUY BRAND NEW ARMOR PLATED FLEET OF CARS for himself and his

Reply : 2

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