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Road Crash Prevention.

By Jeffrey Suter, Connor Moylan,

David Solis, and Justin Keizer

Crashes in the World.

Globally 1.3 million people die in road crashes a year
That averages out to 3,287 deaths a day
20 to 50 million people are injured annually

Why We Need to Help

Car crashes = ninth leading cause of death in the world.
Road crashes predicted to be fifth leading cause of death
by 2030.

Crashes in the U.S.

37,000 people die a year

2.35 million people have become disabled due to crashes
1,600 children under 15 years of age die each year
Single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens

How Much Money is Paid?

Road crashes cost USD 65 billion dollars a year
In the U.S road crashes have costed them 230.6 billion dollars

Our Solution
Use magnetism to our advantage.
We will design a car with electro-magnets imbedded into the frame of the car
in the sides, front, and back.
Car is going slower than 10mph, the electromagnets will automatically turn off.

Our Solution Cont.

When the car is going faster than 10mph, the electro-magnets will turn on and
repulse all other cars.
The goal of this design is for this to be implemented into all cars on the road.
For starters we will test on small cars then progressively full size cars.

Evidence of Work

Evidence of Work

Evidence of Work

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