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Traveling abroad: How acceptances and differences between cultures are

Objective: This survey carried by fourth semester foreign languages students from
Universidad del Valle aims to collect information regarding the traveling abroad
experiences you have had in your life, and mainly to find out how culture affected
those experiences.
Instructions: Please read the following questions carefully and answer them all
providing additional information where required.

What is your age? ___ years old.

I identify my gender as: Male____ Female____ Other ___
How many times have you traveled abroad?
Why have you traveled abroad? To study ___ To work ___ To do some

sightseeing ___ Other __________________________________________

5. Do you usually inform yourself about the culture of the place you are going to?
Explain why.
6. If yes, where do you get that information? On internet ___ In a travel
agency____ In books___ In magazines____ Other (please specify)
7. Did you have any difficulties trying to fit into a different culture? No ___ Yes
___, which? _________________________________________________
8. If yes, how did you solve those problems and difficulties?
9. Did you ever face discrimination based on your age, gender, race, religion,
other? If so, list which one.
10. What type of cultural problems did you have while interacting with people who
have different beliefs and traditions? Please explain your answer.
11. What are the most exciting and remarkable experiences you have gotten of
traveling abroad?
12. If you had to summarize the most important thing you have learned from the
cultures you have been involved, what would it be?
13. Do you have any travel abroad regret? No ___ Yes ___, which?
14. Would you travel abroad once again? Explain why.
How would you
rate your traveling abroad experiences? __ __ __ __ __

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