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Body Posturing And Movement 2: tcss great desiof iforaation about itself by it's body posture and movement. Crouching indicates that the cat is getting ready to "spring" into some action, Tt could be “play time", or an attack. Arching the back also indicates that the cat is going to do some action. Look at the ear position to determine what the cat is about to do. If the cat is playing, it will put it's cars back. If it is about to attack, the ears will be flattened out to the sides. During actual fighting a cat will put it's ears back to avoid injury, but while they are ceouching the ar position will tell you what they are about to do. ‘When a cat goes up on toes it indicates excitement or anticipation of fin or play. Cats will often go up on toes, arch their backs, and squint the eyes when they are greeting their human, Again, you must look at all the language of a cat to determine what it is thar they are communicating, Language of Play Running is done to flee a threat, during play, or at tiawes of great happiness and energy. Note the cat's posture when it comes toa sudden stop", Staying low to the floor or hiding and evading the human indicates a threat. Standing on toes with the back arched and ears back would indicate that the cat is playing, ound Purring. A sound produced by the cat that indicates receptivity and a desire for teraction, love, or comfort, While cats pore when they are happy, an injured cat may also purr in hopes of receiving comfort. Note the tone and volume when a sound is made. More volume indicates that the cat is seeking attention or is more emotional about what itis doing. Cats will also trill sounds and vocalizations. Ti ing alternates the tone. It starts usually at 4 medium tone and goes higher. ‘This is a happy or interested sound. When agitated or frustrated the cat begins with with a medium tone and reverse trills down in tone. Vocalizations are descriptive of a cat' emotional state. They can be "spoken" ina single sound, or in rapid succession of several sounds that may be repeated, trilled, or reverse trilled. A sound that is crilled is a happy or interested sound. It can be synonymous with purring. A sound that is reverse trilled indicates a mix of emotions, frustration, and even problem solving. Increased volume is a desire for attention of is used to emphasize the intensity of what the cat is feeling. At times, cats vocalize or "squeak" to imitate human speech. While by no means complete, here is a list of the most common vocalizations and combinations. "a" or "ah" sound Desire for companionship, attention, or for something that makes the cat feel happy. "ap" Someching unfamiliar. Intense interest. Meee Excitement ‘ere" tone goes up

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