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What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is considered as a genetic disorder that

disrupt the bodys ability to control blood clothing because one of the factor
that takes part in the clothing process does not work properly.
According to the reading passage, there are two types of hemophilia. Type A
and Type B. The hemophilia type A occurs when the factor 8 does not function
properly; whereas, the type B happens when the factor 9 does not work
properly. How the people is affected by the
hemophilia? Almost all the
population, around the 85%, suffers from Hemophilia A and the rest from
hemophilia type B. This genetic disorder is transmitted through mothers to son
yet in some cases, women develop spontaneously this illness. It is common
that in the case of the transmision from mother to son, they are most likely
prone than women to develop the hemophilia.
On the other hand, the professor, in the lecture, explains another type of
hemophilia whose name is Royal Hemophilia because of its development in the
Hannover Royals house when the Queen Victoria passed a mutated gene of
the hemophilia type B to three of her 9 children. Due to a variety of marriage
between different Royal Houses, this type of hemophilia was spread through
Europe, for instance Spain, where Beatriz had a daughter who would the future
Queen of Spain had two of her sons affected by this genetic disorder. In not
only Spain but also Russia and Austria were places in where this illness took

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