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Question: In what ways did European society change during the 1960s?

1960s Europe was a tumultuous time in Europe, the socio-economic fabric of traditional European society were
being eroded by the post war changes that swept Europe after World War II. European nations would move from the
hard leaning conservative views of pre-WWII Europe to the liberal social views which dominated Europe during the
1960s. This revolution in Ideology would be led by the young people of Europe and would pit them against that
of their parents.
Baby Boomers

Coming of age of group of young people who had not experienced the war or the depression
Liberal mindset based integration of American culture
Opposed to the traditional views of pre-war Europe

Social Democracy

Development of welfare states

Social Reforms
Change in class structures.

Sexual revolution

Lady Chatterley's Lover and other controversial books


Birth Control now an option to individuals control over reproductive rights


Growth of free love movements

American Integration

Americas post war economic aid to European nations such as the Marshall plan infect Europe with
American Ideology
Europe turns into consumer based economies
Growth of access of the masses to TV and radio.

While several factors contributed to the social upheaval in Europe in the 1960s it was the rise in the actions of
young Europeans which ushered out the old era and introduced what can be though as modern social practices. The
key to understanding it is by understanding the needs of the youth of post war Europe. It can however be argued that
integration also played a significant role in the social upheavals of the 1960s. Young Europeans became

exposed to the ideology of the U.S. demanded change and a break from the traditional European
ways of doing things. This is important as at no other time in history before this period has social
change been ignited by the actions of Young people.

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