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Importance and Sourcing (Pre-Production)

Sources of

Facility hire

Equipment - This ranges from cameras, mic's, tripods, lighting rigs and etc.
This is the backbone of productions, and without it no filming will get done.
Crew and Talent - Both of these are vital if any production is to be made.
Personnel will always be needed to be both behind and in front of the cameras.
If the crew aren't sourced properly, the quality of the end product will be poor.
Similarly, with those in front of the camera as a poor performance by them will
lead to audiences attention being swept away from the more important parts
of the production such as the narrative.
Transport - Transport is needed to make sure the crew and talent are always
on set when needed. This must be planned for, as sometimes people may have
difficulties when it comes to methods of travel. Busses may be late, trains
could not run, weather could get in the way, so back up plans will need to be
made. If not, nothing will get produced, or key sections may be lacking in
Materials - These would include props that would be used on set, for
characters to interact with or just to lay in the background. Correct planning
for this will make sure that continuity isn't broken amongst the audience, and
keeps their attention on more important aspects of the production.
Facility Hire - Facilities, which include locations, studios, software, etc., are
important to finance so that the end production is to a good quality. Making
sure the location fits the mood or scene; to make sure the viewer doesn't feel
conflicted about scenes, or editing software; so that the footage can be stitched
together to make a final piece of work, all need to be done to a good quality to
keep that attention.
Crew/talent: Other students at the college will be used (Through auditions or
scouting). Professionally, actors can be hired at websites like
Materials: Most of the props needed I can find at home or from others, but
there are shops on the high-street that can be used to find items otherwise.
Furthermore, I can buy more intricate props from

Transport: The college/public bus or the train will be the mode of transport
used by me and the rest of the cast and crew. The bus and train timetables can
be found here and here
Facility: The media studio at Rotherfield can be used if isn't currently in use
and the woods outside the grounds are easily accessible. Furthermore, the
classrooms are good for pre/post-production as well as editing. A professional
post-production facility can be found here
Equipment: Can be sourced through peers or bought online, as well as
borrowed from the studio storeroom. This website here professionally hires out media equipment.
Availability of equipment
Availability of personnel (size of
team; roles)
Deadlines - Deadlines put pressure on the crew to finish everything necessary
before the date needed. This makes production faster due to said pressure. If
these are missed they can have a great impact on finances, due to having to
reorganise cast and crew transport and hired out equipment, costumes or
Availability - Without the availability of cast, crew and equipment the
production cannot progress and so nothing is completed. The size of the team
is an important factor due to having too large a crew/cast can be hard to
Deadlines: Given by the brief of the task.
Availability: Can be solved in the pre-production stage and sourced through
the owners of the equipment and the required crew.
Production equipment
Post-production equipment facility
Production Equipment - The equipment needs to be of good quality, so that the
final film meets the brief and is to a good standard. If the quality is poor then
people won't want to see the production and so no money would be made.
Post-Production equipment facility houses - Similarly, with the production
equipment, along with a familiarity of said equipment. Also, some companies
don't have access to post-production equipment like editing software (possibly
due to budget limitations) and being able to hire out these facilities makes it
cheaper in the long run.

Production Equipment: Most of this is already owned by me and so easy to

acquire, anything else needed will be borrowed from other students, or hired
via this website
Post-production: The editing software (Premiere Pro) can be accessed on the
college computers. Also I can find a professional post production facility here
Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,
Script (upload an example)
Original Material - Using original material is important so that it isn't deemed
to be plagiarism, which is illegal.
Archive and Library Materials - Archive and Library material can be used in
case we need hard to acquire footage such as establishing shots, as long as the
material used is legal to obtain, as well as credited to the owner
Photo and Sound-Library Materials - Similarly, the Photo and Sound Library
material can be used when we need something hard to obtain in the aspects of
photos or sound.
Internet - This is a very useful asset, as it can be used for a range of things. This
includes: research for the production, buying/hiring props or equipment,
sourcing talent/crew, acquiring archive footage/material and many more.
Audio - This is incredibly important as it is most of the experience when it
comes to watching a film, and so needs to be the best quality it can be.
Script - The script needs to be made so no time is wasted on set working out
what needs to be said, and instead focused on how they say it.
Costumes - Costumes, much like the props, need to be to a good enough quality
as to not break continuity and look professional, as not to ruin the experience
for the viewer.
Interviews - This is useful so that the right cast/crew suited for the role can be
found and used to maximum effect. Many detailed questions can be asked to be
sure that the right people are sourced.
Archive Footage:

Example of a Script:

Photo Library:
Sound Library:
Costumes: Through peers or bought/hired online through places like
Recces (Upload an example)
Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost, weather
Recces - Locations are important as they make the story more believable.
Having a scene that takes place in completely the wrong location can be
confusing toward the audience, so location recces help case out places that
make the perfect scene.
Limitations - It helps to have the limitations so that you can prepare
everything you need before heading to said location, and avoid any risks that
may crop up throughout the shoot whether it be toward person, equipment or
the shot.
Recces: The templates can be found at, and
an example is here
Limitations: Risk assessments can be made to keep a record of any dangers to
people, equipment or anything that will hinder the shoot. An example can be
found here
Codes of
Location permissions
practice and
Health and safety
Location Permissions - Getting these will make sure that the owners of
locations of filming are happy that you are using their land, and are
compensated should any damage come to it.
Clearances - Similar to Location Permissions, this needs to required so that the
production itself is alright to be filmed. Clearances are needed for locations,
actors, use of certain props and many more. If these aren't met the company in
charge of production may be sued and so, lose money in the long run.
Copyright - These protect content creators from having their work copied, or
from people trying to make money from their ideas.

Health and Safety - This is very important, so that none of the cast or crew
aren't in any risk when filming the production. If someone is they are liable to
sue those producing the film.
Insurance - If someone is hurt during filming, this makes sure they are well
compensated if the injury is serious. This also acquaints to props or vehicles
used too.
Location Permissions: Can be acquired from the owners of the studio
Copyright: This will be from anyone that believes the production is a copy of
theirs. Copyright can be licensed here
Health and Safety: A risk assessment will be created to keep track of this, the
templates for which will be at
Insurance - This can be acquired through places like this
The below only requires you to discuss the importance
(Choose the one that relate to your production only)

Press Complaints Commission (PCC)
Advertising Standards Authority
Pan European Game Information
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film Classification

The BBFC (standing for British Board of Film Classification) is what regulates
the age ratings on any major film or TV production, which makes sure that
those of a younger age aren't exposed to content inappropriate for their age.
Trade unions:
Producers Alliance for Cinema and
Television (PACT),
National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
Broadcasting Entertainment
Cinematograph and Theatre Union
The BECTU are important as they make sure the interest of the workforce in
film production are made aware. This will increase productivity as all the
workers will have a boosted morale toward their work.


Entertainment and Leisure Software

Publishers Association (ELSPA)
British Interactive Media
Association (BIMA)

They promote the digital industry in Britain and make sure that the practise is
continued by this, and the next, generation. They are important in making sure
that media is an industry that lives on for years to come, and that the next
generation are prepared with the knowledge to do so.

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