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Dr Barbara Glowczewski

Dr Barbara Glowczewski is currently a faculty member of the Social Anthropology

Laboratory, College de France , Paris and Research Director at CNRS (National
Centre for Scientific Research), Paris. She is a member of the International Advisory
Board of Cairns Institute at James Cook University , Australia where she is an
adjunct professor .
Her research interests include History , Anthropology, Gender Studies , Digital
Media ,Indigenous studies, Decolonial thought, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari .
She has authored multiple publications among which her book Totemic Becomings is
the latest. She has contributed chapters to collections like Anthropology and
Experimental Films (2014), Living Memories, A history of Aboriginal Art (2013), The
Challenge of Indigenous People (2011) to name a few . She has extensively
published in scientific journals like Journal of the Society of the Oceanists, Rural
Studies, Earth and the Pacific, Anthropology Today.

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