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Cameron Delgrosso

Period 6
Essay Chapter 11
Working Parents: Answer the following questions:
Questions for women. If you were married and your husbands income
alone could support your family (two children), would you prefer to
work outside the home or be a full-time homemaker? Why? If you
were married had two children and knew your income alone could
support your family, would you prefer that your husband work outside
the home or be a full-time homemaker? Why?
Questions for men. If you were married and your wifes income alone
could support your family (two children), would you prefer to work
outside the home or be a full-time homemaker? Why? If you were
married had two children and knew your income alone could support
your family, would you prefer that your wife work outside the home or
be a full-time homemaker? Why?
Questions for women and men. If you had the choice of living very
comfortably on two incomes and sending your preschoolers to a child
care center or living on the verge of poverty and raising your children
at home, what would you do? Explain.

If I was a dad and my wife had a job that could easily support my
family, I would want to do a job that I enjoy and that is purely for fun.
Like teach snowboarding or work at a bike shop. I would bring home
some money and I would at least feel like I was contributing, but my
wife would make the most money. If I had a full time job that could
support my family and my wife didnt need a job I would prefer that
she would stay home with the kids so that they dont have to go to a

If I had the choice to live comfortably with my kids in day care,

ore really poorly with my kids at home, I would definitely choose to put
my kids in day care. Day care isnt that bad to me and it would be
worse for my kids if we were living in poverty.
In the book it says, Outside of sleeping, the activity to which
most employed men and women devote the most time to is their jobs.
There are numerous ways in which paid employment, or lack thereof,
can and does affect family life. (Strong & Cohen, 2014, p. 393).


shows how much our jobs carry into our family life.
Strong, B, & Cohen, T. F. (2014). The marriage and family experience: Intimate
relationships in a changing society (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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