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Foucault The History of Sexuality I

Western perspective of the history of sexuality Goes back to the 17 th century

where a certain frankness was still common.
A period where bodies made a display of themselves
Contrasted with the sanitized speech of the Victorian bourgeoisie.
A utilitarian and fertile sexuality the birth of the principle of secrecy allowed only
in the inner sanctum or the bedroom.
Carries a taint of abnormality if this sexuality insisted on making itself too visible
it would have to pay the penalty penalizing the display of sexuality.
Children had no sex therefore they were forbidden to talk about it a general and
studied silence was imposed
If it was necessary to make room for illegitimate sexualities they had to be
elsewhere outside of society on the periphery in the brothel and the mental
hospital places of tolerance of deviance those other Victorians as Steven
Marcus would say.
Freud between the couch and discourse- Foucault denounces Freuds conformism,
the normalizing function of psychoanalysis and the science of sex and practices of
If sex is so rigorously repressed, this is because it is incompatible with a general and
intensive work imperative.

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