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Activity: Baccalaureat

Source: Intellectual Disability. (n.d.) retrieved from

Equipment needed: Paper, pen or pencil.
Activity Description:

Have participants sit comfortably.


Ask each participants to separate their sheet of paper in 10 parts (10 columns).


Each column will have a different content, and worth 10pts for a total of 100pts.

The contents are boys name; girls name; country or city; anatomy; things (objects);
profession; cars; animals; fruits or vegetables; verbs.

Ask one participant to recite the alphabet silently, then say stop.


Ask the participant for the letter he/she stops on.


Make the participants to fill each column with a word that starts with this letter.

The first one who finishes should say stop. Count the points to see who has the most

Participants should receive 5 points instead of 10 when they use the same word.

Leadership Considerations:

1. Participants with intellectual disability has limitations in two areas, which are
intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors; therefore, when working with we
should be aware of those. The goal of this activity is to help them gain social skills,
increase their vocabulary skills, and to communicate effectively. One way to adapt this
activity for them is by timing it instead of stopping the game when the first person is
finished. We can give all the participants 30 minutes, for instance.

2. This activity can also be adapted for people who are amputated in both hands. When
working with them, one of the goal is to make them feel included in the society. One
way to adapt it is to do it verbally. Instead of having the participants writing, we can
make them talk instead.

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