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Claudia Alonso

LEI 4724
Activity: Pick a Box
Source: D. Redfern (Collins Court Aged Care Facility, 2002), H. R. Porter (Recreation Therapy
for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions, 2015)
Equipment needed: 18 boxes, numbered 1-6 with different colors, trivia questions, 1 dice,
whiteboard to score, and a dry-erase marker.
Activity Description:
1. Everyone will begin by joining a group and sitting down in a chair. The participants will
be divided into two groups, Group A and Group B.
2. Amount of participants can vary from small to large. (10- 30)
3. The first team will roll the dice and the number of the box is turned over. A trivia
question will be asked to the participant and will be given a point if the answer is correct.
4. After the first team has gone, the second team rolls the dice, the number of the box is
turned over, and a trivia question will be asked. This game continues, after 9 of the boxes
have been turned over, the team with the most points gets to roll for Pick a Box.
5. Inside the boxes there will be instructions on what to do and the participants must follow
it, in order to win. When a team wins there will be a price inside.
Leadership Consideration:
1. When working with individuals with Generalized Anxiety disorder and Oppositional
Defiant disorder and Conduct Disorder, your goal as a therapist is to lead them into
functional team work and positive social interaction and communication amongst the
2. For GAD, individuals usually feel anxious and nervous when a task has to be done in a
certain amount of time, which is why as a therapist, an incretion in time will be given due
to their anxiety; maximum: 3 minutes.
3. For ODD and CD, non-compliance, over- activity, and impulsiveness is seen in the
individuals. Participants in this activity will learn the proper ways of waiting and
communication with their peers. A reward system will be used; a reward will be given for
proper behavior, including verbal praise, high fives, stickers, etc.
4. Also for both disabilities, as a therapist I will give them moments to use relaxation
techniques such as deep breathing, and calming methods after the activity such as writing
in a piece of paper how they felt about the activity or how they felt working in a team.

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