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Rosie England

Math Game lesson plan

Use a math game to help students learn math secrets
Second grade math secrets
This lesson can be used in second grade after all the math secrets
have been taught to help students practice secrets.
2.OA: Operations and Algebraic thinking
A.1 Represent and solve problems involving addition and
B.2: Add and subtract within 20.
SWBAT use the math secrets they have already learned to help them
add numbers in a math game.
One deck of cards per group
Go up to the blue table and explain to the student that we are
going to play a
math game during snack time. Explain to the
students that they are allowed
to eat while they play. Recently
you all have learned your math secrets, well
today you are going to
practice those secrets while we play a math game! You can still eat
snack as we play our game. Everyone will be playing. To play this
game we will use a deck of cards, but we only want some of the
cards. We need to take the Jacks, Queens, King, and Aces out.
We will use the numbers one to ten. Put the rest of the cards to the
side since we are not
playing with them.
Directions: Each student will get five cards. This makes the
game fair. The rest of the cards will go in the middle. The object of
the game is to make
sums of ten. You will take turns asking each
other if they have a card that
will make ten with your card. If the
student you ask does not have the card you ask for you go fish and
pick a new card from the pile. For example, if I have the number 6 in
my hand I will ask someone if they have the number 4

6+4= 10. The game ends when there are no cards left in the pile.
The student with the most sums of ten wins!

Great job everyone I heard a lot of your secrets being used! It is
time to clean
up the cards and your snack, time is up!
Walk around and sit with each group listening to what the students are
We will be playing this game as a group, but the purpose of this game
is to focus on one student. We will be watching this student more
carefully then others, but will not make it obvious.

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