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Practicing how to read orthogonal drawings:

15 min.

1. Groups will be shown different views of orthogonal projections on the

smart board, and they will use the appropriate blocks to represent the
orthogonal drawing they see.
2. With each drawing, the teacher will guide the students through how to
represent certain shapes using different views.
Orthogonal drawings problem-based learning activity Part 1:

30 min.

1. Students will be given a scenario in which they will be asked to design a

sculpture for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
2. Groups will design an aesthetically pleasing sculpture of their choice using
the blocks provided.
3. Once they have settled on their design, each groups orthogonal artist will
draw their designs using the principles of orthogonal projections on a
worksheet provided for them.
4. The teacher will go around the class while students work to guide those
who need more instruction.
5. The teacher will also make sure all group members contribute during the
activity (in the design process and though the students respective roles).
Orthogonal drawings problem-based learning activity Part 2:

20 min.

1. Once all groups are done with their orthogonal drawings, the presenter will
showcase their groups drawings to the other students who come to their
2. The non-presenting members are free to walk from one station to the next
seeing if they can rebuild the maquette sculpture only using the respective
groups orthogonal drawings.

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