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Document for completion and publication by the Contracting Authority


Contract title
Location - Area/region and country/countries

1. Publication reference
< Publication reference >
2. Procedure
3. Programme
< Phare / Tacis / Cards/ ALA / Meda / EDF / Other >
4. Financing
< Budget line / Financing agreement / Other >
5. Contracting Authority
< The beneficiary > (decentralised tendering procedure)
6. Description of the contract
< Recommended maximum: 5 lines >
7. Indicative number and titles of lots
< As appropriate >
8. Scheduled publication date of the procurement notice
<To be specified>
9. Other information
< As appropriate >
10. Legal basis
< Regulation or other instrument governing the programme under which this contract is to be
financed >
There must be an interval of at least 30 calendar days between the publication of this contract forecast and the
publication of the corresponding procurement notice. Natural or legal persons interested should not therefore send
proposals or requests for information at this stage.


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