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Faith Dumais Writing Prompt 3 Advanced Inquiry & Research called During my sophomore year of high school, [ took a class class Advanced Inquiry & Research. One of the assignments in this class was a big project which included choosing a social issue and four different writing pieces. The social issue had to pertain to both our own lives and one of the five literary works we had previously read in class. Once we picked one of the pertinent social issues, we were required to write a personal narrative, a literary analysis, a research paper, and a persuasive speech. For the social issue surrounding my project, I chose the lack of emphasis on education. I wrote a personal narrative on my own experience with a family who placed high emphasis on education and what I've seen from an acquaintance who lived in a household who did not place any emphasis on education. 1 wrote a literary analysis highlighting the lack of emphasis on education found the in memoir of Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle. [also wrote a research paper where { looked at things like dropout rates in the United States. Lastly, I wrote and presented a persuasive speech showing why we should make education important. 1 felt like I really learned a lot about education while working on this project. Having been required to look at one social issue in so many different parts allowed me to really seen the idea of emphasis, or the lack of, on education in a variety of perspectives. The personal narrative allowed me to see real life experiences with the issue. The research paper allowed me to see the large picture impact the issue had on the country. The persuasive speech allowed me to really hone in on why the issue was truly important. Faith Dumais Writing Prompt 3 It did help that we were allowed to pick, within reason, which social issue we focused on for our project. This allowed me to begin the project with some background knowledge and also the desire to learn even more. Overall, this project seemed daunting at first, but it has been one of my favorite projects Fve ever done to date.

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