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oO Characteristics of emotrs A memoty; a desctiption of an event from the past ¥ written in the first person; told from one person's point of view ™ Based on the truth % Reveals the feelings of the wtiter o Has meaning; shows what the author leatned from the experience Y Focused on one event; about one point in the author’s life v About the author’s experience mote than about the event itself from: Lattimer, Heather. Thinking Through Genre: Units of study in Reading and Writing ps 4-12, Stenhouse Publishers, 2003, p.45, What's a Good Idea? EE Something you have STRONG FEELINGS "about. er Something you KNOW A LOT about. ee Something you can DESCRIBE IN GREAT “DETAIL. < BE Something your AUDIENCE will be ~ INTERESTED in, IRE Something your AUDIENCE will feel ” was WORTH READING. from: Steve Peha, Teaching That Makes Sense, X G) ZOOM IN! ag one moment in time «@ tell the outside story - what was happening ag tell the inside stoty - what you wete thinking and feeling ay se dialogue to add impact «@ tell defails only the writer knows from: Wells, J,; Reid, J. Writing Anchors. Pembroke Publishers, 2004, p. 31 3 Bold Beginnings - Memoir O One sunny day I went to the beach and saw a ' metmaid, ACTION I dove info the ocean, kicked my feet in the cool watet, stood up, and wiped the watet ftom my face. I paused, Something sttange heat the rocks caught my eye. DIALOGUE “What a gteat day for the beach!” I yelled as I splashed in the waves. Oo A THOUGHT, A QUESTION, OR FEELING (if you were at the beach, what might you be thinking or feeling?) Hf only I could swim out to that sandbat, I thought. Thete’s something vety sttange out thete, Something I've never seen hete at the beach before. A SOUND EFFECT (What sounds might you hear at the beach?) Kersplash! The waves ctashed ovet me as I stood stating at the strange sight out on the jetty. ©) From: Mariconda, Barbara, The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever, 1999, p. 40-41 iL > Bold Beginnings - Memoir DIALOGUE A THOUGHT, A QUESTION, OR FEELING (What might you be thinking or feeling?) A SOUND EFFECT (What sounds might you hear?) From: Mariconda, Barbara, The Most Wonderful Willing Lessons Ever, 1999, p 40-41 5 INGREDIENTS FOR AN © EXTENDED STORY ENDING A memoty of the main event. The main chatactet’s feelings, 6 The maih chatacter’s hope/wishes. A decision/defining action. From: Mariconda, Barbara, The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever, 1999, p. 89 O OQ © EXTENDED STORY ENDINGS | BEFORE; So that is the end of the story about my big baseball victory. AFTER: I'll never forget the ctack of the bat as I hit that hometun and the way my heatt pounded as the ball flew out of the park. I hope we'll be just as lucky at our next game, foo! You can be sute I'll be Practicing extta hatd for the play-offs next week! From: Mariconda, Barbara, The Most Wonderful Witing Lessons Ever, 1999, p. 91 a ADDING VOICE - Use wotds ftom your nafutal speaking vocabulaty. Make it sound like YOu. Select topics that you feel strongly about and know about. © Make sute yout feelings about yout topic come through, Write with your audience in mind, 1@ Overhead: Grades 3 - 6. ‘Scholastic, 2002. p. 44. Improving Word Choice - Vivid Verbs Original Verb: ,| Original Verbs Original Verb: from: Culham, Ruth, The Trail Crate Grade 3: Teaching Word Choice. Scholastic, 2007 4 Super Sentence Writers... & Use vivid and powerful words (adjectives, strong verbs, specific nouns, adverbs) & Use appropriate poetic devices (simile, onomatopoeia, metaphor, O alliteration) ®& Usea variety of sentence lengths & Use different sentence beginnings & Use different sentence types (statements, exclamatory, questions, commands) Teaching Note: Teach each of these headings as separate mini-lessons. Keep adding to your O Super Sentence Writers Chart as you teach each lesson. /0 oO SUPER SENTENCE WRITERS Use a variety of sentence lengths. Each day I huttied home to see my coat. It was looking like the colors of the fall days -- the yellow-golds of the bitch leaves, the silvety grays and putples of the sky, the deep greens of the pines, and the tusty reds of the chimney bricks-~ all the colors Papa would have chosen, I decided fo put a piece of his work jacket in there. It just seemed tight. | Sentence Fluency Sentence | Number of Words in First Word in Each # Each Sentence Sentence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 O

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