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Name: Oberos, Cobi Jin Pio
Date of Birth: March 7, 2015
Age:1 year old
Date, Time and Duration of Observation: March 10-11, 2015 (8:00 am5:00pm)
Present Conditions
General Survey:
Cobi goes to LCCC well-groomed and dressed up properly. He is unable to
state his name but is able to say dada or mama. He is able to stand with
support and also walks with support. However, he crawls most of the time.
His skin is light brown in color, moist, with no lesions or wounds. His nails
are well trimmed. He has black and curly hair with a tie made by her
grandmother because his hair covers his face.
Cobi cries whenever he wants something and he likes to be carried most
of the time. He is not able to converse yet with other people because the
only means for him to say what he wants is to cry.
Crying is the only thing he can use as to tell what he wants. He is able to
use only the words mama and dada but not when he wants something. He
says it at times only he wants. Grandmother of the child also said that she
is talking to him in the language Tagalog.
Fine Motor
Cobi can pick up small toys with a diameter of about 2 inches with the use
of his whole hand. Cobi is able to hold his food and can somehow feed


Gross Motor
Cobi is able to stand up but if he is holding onto something that can
support him to stand up and he can also walk when he is being assisted.
Most of the time he crawls.
Significant Behavior, Analysis, Nursing Actions
Significant Behavior
Cobi wants to be
carried by his
grandmother &
doesnt want to be left
with anyone else aside
when his grandmother
is not around.

Theory Used for

Eriksons (1959)
theory of psychosocial
development has eight
distinct stages. Cobi is
in the stage of Trust Vs
Mistrust. During this
stage the infant is
uncertain about the
world in which they
live. To resolve these

Nursing Actions
Dont force the child
to be carried by
another person aside
from his primary
caregiver; just stay by
his side and let him
feel your presence

Cobi wants to hold

anything that he can

When I played with

Cobi using a small
plastic ball, he was
looking for it when I
hid it.

feelings of uncertainty
the infant looks
towards their primary
caregiver for stability
and consistency of
Piaget believed that
new-born babies have
a small number of
innate schemas - even
before they have had
much opportunity to
experience the world.
These neonatal
schemas are the
cognitive structures
underlying innate
reflexes. These
reflexes are
programmed into us.
The grasping reflex
which is elicited when
something touches the
palm of a baby's hand,
was assumed to result
operations: for
example, shaking a
rattle would be the
combination of two
schemas, grasping and
Piaget (1954, 1964)
described the
sensorimotor stage
from birth to
approximately 2 years
as a period of rapid
cognitive growth.
Object permanence
means knowing that
an object still exists,
even if it is hidden. It
requires the ability to
form a mental
representation (i.e. a
schema) of the object.

We should be
cautious and avoid
putting sharp and
pointed materials
near the child.
Ensure cleanliness of
objects always and
keep away small
objects that can be
easily ingested by the

We can praise the

child when he was
able to do something
good. For example, if
the child is able to
see what you hid then
praise him because
he was able to look
for it.

Cobi is stimulated by a
tapping sound because
he was looking where
the ball was when I
tapped it against the

Cobi doesnt drink

formula milk but he
drinks chocolate drink
and is breastfeeding
up to now and he loves
to put things like toys
in his mouth.

For example, if you

place a toy under a
blanket, the child who
has achieved object
permanence knows it
is there and can
actively seek it.
The stage
of secondary
circular reactions. It
typically lasts from
about 4 8 months.
Now babies repeat
pleasurable actions
that involve objects as
well as actions
involving their own
Freud believed that
children are born with
a libido a sexual
(pleasure) urge. In the
first stage of
development the libido
is centered in a baby's
mouth. It gets much
satisfaction from
putting all sorts of
things in its mouth to
satisfy the libido, and
thus its id demands.
Which at this stage in
life are oral, or mouth
orientated, such as
sucking, biting, and

We should be alert
when he is not
stimulated by sound
because he might
have a hearing
problem or something
is blocking his ear

We should be alert
with what the child is
putting in his mouth.
We should avoid
putting small
materials near him
because when
ingested, it might
cause choking. Toys
should also be
cleaned so the child
will not have


McLeod, S. A. (2015). Jean Piaget. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from
McLeod, S. A. (2015). Sensorimotor Stage. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from

McLeod, S. A. (2013). Erik Erikson. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from
McLeod, S. A. (2013). Sigmund Freud. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from
McLeod, S. A. (2008). Psychosexual Stages. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from

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