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Easy Meditation Techniques: Technique 1

1) Sit in a comfortable position.

2) Place the palms on the knees and close the eyes.
3) The trunk, neck and head should be held in straight position.
4) The breathing should be natural throughout the entire practice. No attempt should be
made to regulate either inhalation or exhalation during the practice.
5) Now, focus your awareness gently on breath.
6) Start counting with each incoming breath and each outgoing breath. One may count
from 1 to 50 or do reverse counting from 50 to 1, increasing/decreasing the count by one
with each incoming and outgoing breath.
7) Repeat step 6 few more times till the mind becomes free from all thoughts except the
thought of counting. When it is attained, go to next step.
8) Now, stop the counting and focus on the incoming and outgoing breath without any
counting. If any thought comes to the mind, neglect it as if it is a complete stranger and
keep on focusing the awareness on the incoming and outgoing breath. If thoughts are
disturbing too much, go to step 6 again.
1) It is one of the most easy meditation techniques available.
2) It equalizes the flow of breath in both nostrils, so it leads to calmness of the mind,
which in turn induces the state of thoughtless awareness (meditation) in step 8.

Easy Meditation Techniques: Technique 2

1) Sit in a comfortable position.
2) Place the palms on the knees and close the eyes.
3) The trunk, neck and head should be held in straight position.
4) The breathing should be natural throughout the entire practice. No attempt should be
made to regulate either inhalation or exhalation during the practice.
5) Now, watch the thoughts of the mind with complete neutrality (neither judge them as
good or as bad, neither feel attachment nor aversion to them). Imagine that the mind is a
screen and thoughts are pictures on this screen and you are an observer of these pictures.
Observe each and every thought with full awareness and say to yourself, "I am not this
thought. I am only its observer/witness."
After practice of step 5, a time comes when the mind becomes thoughtless (this is the
state of meditation). Simply be in it till this state is disturbed by any thought, in which
case repeat the process of step 5.

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