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The Use of Facebook as a Formers of Public Opinion To Face The New

Policy of Indihome
Arini Shalsabella Putri
Sumbawa University of Tecnology
This research aims to find out how the facebook account of Tere Liye is used as a
means of forming public opinion against the new policy of Indihome and how
consumer response about it. In January 2016 then, IndiHome create a new policy,
which is "unlimited package" of Indihome where use unlimited internet, phone, and
the availability of hundreds of tv channels, changed to Fair Usage Policy (FUP)
unilaterally, where the use of the Internet will be restricted if it reaches the limits of
propriety and the loss of 64 TV channels without notification to the consumer. This
policy change becomes trend news among the facebook users after Tere Liye
criticized it through his facebook posted, in contrast to moment before Tere Liye
provide feedback through social media. Just as previous research conducted by
Yanuar Nugroho, that the use of mass media like facebook that provide extensive
information and networking can influence the choice of users to open an
unprecedented opportunity to make a difference, one of which is to form public
opinion. The results of this research shows that the high effectiveness of social media
facebook in its function to form public opinion as it can be spread easily and quickly
without limitation of time or distance advance by the owner opinions of public figures
such as Tere Liye, so the public believes less amenable to new policy of Indihome.
Keyword : facebook, public opinion, IndiHome.

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