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Learning in the Fish Class This

Question of the Week: What would it be like to have an Antarctic
Vocabulary to go with our story of the week: Antarctic, continent,
icebergs, penguins, seals, whales
Sight Words to Know (these are words students should be able to
read and spell correctly): here, go, from
Phonics Skills: Review vowel sounds and word endings (ed, es, er)
Reading Comprehension Skill: Classify and Categorize
Writing Focus: Continue instruction for Non-Fiction Writing students are
writing books to teach others all about a real life topic they know a lot about
(i.e. an animal, famous people, places, how things work, etc.) This week
well review the parts of a non-fiction piece of writing.
Math Skills/Concepts: This week, we will finish our 3D shapes unit and
move on to a unit in subtraction.
Social Studies Concepts: friendship and conflict resolution
Science Concepts: Concepts of forces and motion. This week they will
learn about gravity.

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