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Exam II: Pathophysiology

Heart Disorder
1) Where does the heart sit?
2) Where do all the vessels enter and exit?
3) Why the left side of the apex?
4) What separates the atrium and ventricle?
5) How do the valves open and close?
6) Give a brief summary of the blood flow.
7) Is CHF a diagnosis? What is it resulted from?
8) List the essential pathology of CHF.
9) Arteries and Veins do what with blood?
10) What is Cardiac Myocyte?
11) List the adaptation of CHF
12) List the decompensated CHF.
13) List the causes of left-sided heart failure.
14) List the pathogenesis of the left sided CHF and describe.
15) What happens when left ventricle function is impaired?
16) List the morphologic pathology of left-sided CHF
17) What is the result of left-ventricular hypertrophy?
18) What causes arrhythmia?
19) List the clinical symptoms/signs of left-sided CHF.
20) What causes right-sided heart failure?
21) List the pathologies of right-sided heart failure.
22) What is an ischemic heart disease?
23) Myocardial infarction is due to what? What are the common causes and classic
24) T/F within the first 20-30 minutes ischemic damage is reversible.
25) T/F acute disruption of atherosclerotic plaque can cause sudden death from heart
26) T/F if a person survives heart attack, an infarct develops.
27) T/F spontaneous aberrant Myocyte depolarization results death from acute severe
28) What are the common fatal plaque changes?
29) Describe the left to right shunts: ASD, VSD, and PDA.
30) What are the pathology and consequence of left to right shunts?
31) List the four defects of right to left shunts.
32) Describe the transposition of great vessels.
33) What are the clinical consequences of right to left shunts?
34) Describe stenosis of pulmonic or aortic valves.
35) The valvular damage leading to stenosis can also be seen as _____.
36) What is the pathology of outflow obstruction?
37) What is the most common outflow obstruction?
38) What is cardiomyopathy? List and describe the types?

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