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March 28, 2016 Agenda

1)Brain Buzzer: Take out a notebook and something to

write with.

Learning target: I can explain the difference

between fact and opinion. I can write a thesis
3)Fact vs. Opinion
4)Fact and opinion power point
5)Review: What is a thesis statement?
6)You try it Turn in before you leave today!

You try it

1)Write down 4 FACTS.

2)Write down 4 OPINIONS.

3) Now, choose to write 2 intro paragraphs (4 5

sentences EACH) with a thesis statement UNDERLINED in
EACH. **** Make sure there are NO opinions in your
*Your topic choices are:

Elie Wiesel
Death marches
Gerda Weissmann (girl from the Holocaust video)
The ghettos (from the time of the Holocaust)
Intimidation tactics of the Nazis in the
concentration camps
The cattle cars

Remember that your thesis should give the reader a VERY

CLEAR idea of what your entire essay will be about.


Whats a thesis statement?

It is a short statement (usually one

sentence) that summarizes the main
point of an essay.
It appears in the first paragraph of an
essay usually as the last sentence of
the first paragraph.
Readers use this sentence as a road
map that lets them know what the
entire essay will be about.
The thesis is developed, explained,
and supported in the essay itself with
examples and evidence.

Tips for writing a thesis:

1. Avoid burying a great thesis

statement in the middle of a
paragraph or late in the paper.
2. Use strong word choice.
3. Indicate the point of your paper
but avoid sentence structures like,
The point of my paper is

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