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Alexandra Ballentine

Works Cited
Primary Sources
Behe, Michael J. The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism. New York:
Free, 2007. Print.
This book clearly explained Darwins theory and the different components, as well as
how each part comes together. Then, it goes on to explain the questions that Darwinism
can and cant answer. This source is primary because it is research that the author himself
has done.
Chapman, Matthew. 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, Oxycontin, and
Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania. New York: Collins, 2007. Print.
Matthew Chapman, the author, witnessed the Kitsmiller v. Dover trial in Dover, PA. This
source is a primary document of his experiences at the trial. It is important because it
provided me with a view of both side on the evolution versus I.D. debate. It also gave me
an account of a major trial within the controversy.
Daniel v. Waters. 515 F.2d. 6th Cir. 1975. Print.
This court case dealt with an Equal Time Law. It is primary because the document is the
published decision from the actual court case. The quote that I used was to illustrate the
language that was included in an Equal Time Law in order to further a readers
understanding of Equal Time.
Edwards v. Aguillard. 482 US. Supreme Court of the US. 1987. Print.
This source is primary because it is the published account of the court case Edwards v.
Agullard. One of the quotes that I used is a great statement that illustrates why including

Alexandra Ballentine

creationism in schools could become a violation of the trust that parents put into the
teachers and staff that teach their children.
Epperson v. Arkansas. 393 US. Supreme Court of the US. 1968. Print.
This was a primary source because it is the published document from a court case. This
was one of the court cases that I chose to highlight in my website. The quote is a good
example of the dilemma that Susan Epperson faced when she was presented with an
evolution textbook to use in the curriculum.
"First Amendment and Religion." United States Courts. Administrative Office of the US Courts,
n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2016. <>.
This statement clarifies the government opinion on the Lemon Test. It breaks down the
Test into smaller pieces and explains what each of the sections means and how it is
applies. This is primary because the government published it as a result of a trial. It is
useful for my research because I can use it in connection to certain trials (Scopes, etc).
"Ken Miller Calls Intelligent Design 'a Negation of Everything Science Stands For.'" God of
Evolution. N.p., 25 Apr. 2013. Web. 19 Jan. 2016.
This is an interview conducted with Ken Miller. In the interview, they talk about teaching
ID in science classes. From this document, I took several quotes to use in my final
product. This is primary because it is the account of an interview that the author
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. 400 F. Supp. United States District Court, M.D.
Pennsylvania. 2005. Print.

Alexandra Ballentine

This source is the final decision for the Dover Court Case. It is the document written by
Judge Jones after he heard both sides of the trial. I found this to be extremely useful
because I took quotes from the statement that regarded the trial and the final decision. It
is primary because it is the summary of the Judges opinion of the trial.
Lynch v. Donnelly. 465 US. Supreme Court of the US. 1984. Print.
This is a primary source because it is the published statement from the court case Lynch
v. Donnelly. I got the summary of the Endorsement Test from this document. The
Endorsement Test is a government test for laws and whether or not they violate the
Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Masci, David. "On Darwin Day, 5 Facts about the Evolution Debate." Pew Research Center. Pew
Research Center, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 31 Jan. 2016. <>.
This is a primary source because is statistics that the instituted itself gathered. These
statistics are useful because they give some background on the number of people who
believe in Darwinism. This also provides a likely reason behind some of the bills and
laws that favored creationism (the public is very divided on evolution).
Masci, David. "Overview: The Conflict between Religion and Evolution." Pew Research Center.
Pew Research Center, 4 Feb. 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
This webpage also included some statistics. Therefore, this source is also primary. In
addition to these statistics, I also found definitions for creationism, intelligent design, and

Alexandra Ballentine

Darwinism. This was very useful because it is difficult to find a short and solid summary
of any of the three competing theories.
McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education. 592 F. Supp. United States District Court, E.D.
Arkansas, W.D. 1982. Print.
This was a primary source because it is the published document from a court case. I used
this to obtain a quote about the case itself. This was another one of the trials that I chose
to highlight in my website. The quote was the law that the court case revolved around,
one similar to the Equal Time Laws.
Miller, Kenneth. Evolution: Fossils, Genes, and Mousetraps. Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
HHMI, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.
This is primary because it is the video of the actual lecture.This video is about an hour
long. It is a lecture on evolution and intelligent design. Kenneth Miller has a number of
interesting points, but I focused on the portions that were about irreducible complexity. I
used this to provide background on the clip that I took from YouTube.
Miller, Kenneth. Personal interview. 20 Dec. 2015.
This is a primary source because I was talking to someone who is directly involved in the
intelligent design and evolution debate. This was a very interesting and useful interview
because I was able to talk to someone with definite views and personal experience in one
of the trials, the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial.
Numbers, Ronald L. Personal interview. 28 Jan. 2016.
This interview was conducted by email because he did not want to talk to me on the
phone. From him, I learned his opinion on ID and Darwinism. I also learned that he

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believed that creationism and ID are different as well as his belief that the debate is
harming science in general.
Tennessee Anti-Evolution Statute. No. 185. Sec. 1. 1925 Tenn. Pub. Acts. 21 Mar. 1925. Print.
This statute was from the Scopes trial. It is primary because it is the language of the
actual law, not an interpretation. I used this to provide more background on the point of
the Scopes trial. The quote that I took illustrated the point of the law and the language
that was used throughout the entire statute.
US Const. amend. I. Print.
This is useful for my topic because it is something that comes up a fair amount in the
debate. It is primary because it is an original document. The two parts that are mentioned
are the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. Those two clauses are
considered to relate to states as well as the government as a whole and are very
Secondary Sources
Anderson, Kirk. "Open Your Textbooks..." Cartoon. The Rag Blog. Rag Blog, 7 Aug. 2013. Web.
21 Feb. 2016. <>.
I used this image on the page of my website that explains creationism. It depicts a teacher
telling kids to open their textbooks, Bibles. This is a simple way of showing that
creationism was trying to install religion into the classrooms by using strategies such as
Equal Time laws and attempting to replace evolution.

Alexandra Ballentine

Beckner, Morton O. "Darwinism." Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Donald M. Borchert. 2nd ed.
Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. 632-644. Gale Virtual Reference
Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.
This source gave me information on the Theory of Evolution. It broke it down and
explained every part to me. This helped me better understand the individual parts of
evolution. Furthermore, it also gave me some of the foremost arguments against
evolution and the reasons why evolution can overcome the challenges towards itself.
Beckwith, Francis. Law, Darwinism & Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the
Challenge of Intelligent Design. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. Print.
This book gave the the basic laws around the teaching of evolution. It also showed me
why I.D. should be taught in schools. This book was important because it gave me some
of the most important trials around the debate and the background behind many of the
laws made.
Carlisle, Christopher, and W. Thomas Smith. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding
Intelligent Design. Indianapolis: Alpha, 2006. Print.
This source was important because it explains I.D. in a positive way. It broke down the
different parts of the theory and explains what advocated promote for I.D. Furthermore, it
also goes on to explain the roots of I.D. and why it can now be separated from
Creationism. This book was important because it explained the I.D.s connection to
Creationism and Darwinism.
"Creationism's Trojan Panda." Cartoon. Panda's Thumb. Movable Type Pro, 24 Feb. 2006. Web.
25 Feb. 2016. <>.

Alexandra Ballentine

This image is comparing intelligent design to the Trojan Horse. It implies that ID is a
disguise for teaching creationism in classrooms. Essentially, the image shows ID being
used to smuggle creationism into classes. I plan to use this image for the Kitzmiller v.
Dover trial because it related directly to the topic of the trial.
"Decision on Scopes' Appeal to the Supreme Court of Tennessee." UMKC School of Law. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
This was the final decision from the Scopes trial. I read through the beginning of the
document to increase my understanding of the Scopes trial. This was the document that
lead me to the whole statute that gave me the quote for the page of my website that deals
with the Scopes trial.
Dembski, William A. "Intelligent Design." Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed.
Vol. 7. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 4515-4518. Gale Virtual Reference
Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.
This source promotes I.D. as a scientific theory. It goes onto explain the why it could be
considered science. This was an important source because it dealt mainly with the way
that I.D. might be accepted by the scientific community. It also defended I.D. as separate
from Creationism.
Edwords, Fred. "Dealing with Scientific Creationism." American Humanist Association.
American Humanist Association, n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
This source accurately summarized Equal Time laws and the original purpose for
establishing them. In addition, I also found short but comprehensive overview of

Alexandra Ballentine

creationism. It accurately explained the ideas and theories that creationists are trying to
get accepted by the scientific community.
Empty Classroom. Alabama Media Group, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
This was a simple picture of an empty classroom. I used this to enhance my conclusion. It
relates to my theme because the connection for that page was encounters in the
classrooms. The picture was to add color and interest to a page that was mostly text
Empty Courtroom. Law Office of David R. Strong, P.A. Law Office of David R. Strong, n.d.
Web. 20 Mar. 2016. <>.
This picture is of an empty courtroom. I used this on a different page of my conclusion. It
was used add color and interest as well. The courtroom relates to the page because that
tab is one of my theme connections, encounter in the courtrooms. I thought that it help
divide the page into more manageable pieces.
Gaustad, Edwin S. Church and State in America. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. Print.
This source gave information on a number of trials centering around the debate in a
comprehensive way. It was useful because it explained many frequently referenced trials.
These trials are mainly the Scopes Trial, Epperson v. Arkansas, as well as Edwards v.
Greenberg. "Equal Weight." Cartoon. OESE. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016.
This cartoon is making fun of the equal time laws. It shows faith on a scale with
evolution. The evolution side has science equipment, and the faith side is a cloud. There

Alexandra Ballentine

is a person leaning on the side titled creationism to balance the scales. I used this cartoon
for the tab that explains equal time.
Harris, Sidney. "I Think You Should Be More Explicit Here in Step Two." Cartoon. The
Textbook League. N.p., 1997. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.
This image is showing the steps for ID being written on a blackboard. Someone is
looking at the steps and saying that the student should clarify what and then a miracle
occurs means. I plan to use this image on my page that describes ID. It shows that it
leaves a lot that is open without a suitable explanation.
"The Ruins of Dale." The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. Perf. Howard Shore. 2014. CD.
I used this song on my homepage. I thought that it was suitable music for my topic. Since
I was focused on a debate, the music increases and decreases in volume to show the two
clashing sides and points of view. This music adds character to my homepage and
increases interest.
John Scopes. Teacher Talk. Cornell University, 10 May 2011. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
I took an image of John Scopes from this website. He was the plaintiff in the famous
Scopes trial. The image is used to add color to the page in a meaningful way. The other
benefit was that it broke up the text on the page to make it more approachable for
"Joint Statement of Current Law on Religion in the Public Schools." ACLU: American Civil
Liberties Union. ACLU Foundation, 2015. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.

Alexandra Ballentine

This source explained more fully what schools are and arent allowed to do. This
included where religion was allowed to be taught and what has a place in science class. In
schools, religion can be taught as history; however, it cannot be taught as fact. This
source was useful because it gives a specific set of guidelines for the teaching of religion.
Keefe, Mike. "How about I Just Smite Thee." Cartoon. Mike Keefe, 7 May 2005.
Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>.
This cartoon is illustrating the way that ID has decided that it wants to be accepted as a
valid scientific theory without doing experiments and being revised by peers. It claims
that ID is trying to bully its way into the scientific community. I plan to use this cartoon
for the webpage that explains irreducible complexity.
"Kitzmiller v. Dover: Intelligent Design on Trial." NCSE. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.
This was the list of all the documents and records that the NCSE kept from the Kitzmiller
v. Dover court case. I took some of the diagrams and charts to use in my website. This
was useful because it can visually show information that would be less interesting if it
was typed out.
Marston, Dean. Darwinism evolving into Intelligent Design. Esoteric Online. Community, 31
Mar. 2012. Web. 6 Mar. 2016. <>.
This cartoon shows evolutions path, then a man carrying ID at the end. It implies that ID
is a form of regression because the man carrying it is smaller than the one before. Im
using this illustration for my homepage as a reinforcement for the side that my thesis
statement takes on the debate.

Alexandra Ballentine

Merino, Nol. Religion in Schools. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. Print.

This source provided two sides to the issue of creationism and ID. It also summarized the
Scopes trial and provided background on the case. Mostly, it argued why creationism
should or should not be in the classroom. Some of the points included helped me look in
new directions or re-examine a source that I had dismissed previously.
Noll, James Wm. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Educational Issues. 15th ed. Boston:
McGraw, 2009. Print.
This source provided me with a few quotes. These are useful because they show an
opinion very clearly. The quotes that I took are from both sides and can be used when
giving an example of the arguments that advocates make for Darwinism and ID. It is a
good viewpoint on the biases that surround both sides before I dive into the technicalities.
Of Pandas and People. Primate's Progress., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
This is a picture of the textbook Of Pandas and People. Im using this on the page that
explains the disclaimer used in the Dover school district. Im using it to show the
textbook that the disclaimer referred students to. It is an intelligent design based
Pond, Finn. "The Evolution of Biological Complexity." National Center for Science Education.
NCSE, 2006. Web. 8 Mar. 2016. <>.
This was an article written about intelligent design. Specifically, the page focused on
irreducible complexity and the changes that it has gone through since its creation. I took a

Alexandra Ballentine

quote from her about irreducible complexity. It was used to expand on my basic
explanation of the topic.
Ray, Deirdre. "Darwinism." American History Through Literature 1870-1920. Ed. Tom Quirk
and Gary Scharnhorst. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 317-321. Student
Resources in Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
This source gave information about the beginning of Darwinism. It was useful because
the information can be used to for further context on the beginning of the Theory of
Evolution. The facts can be used in comparison to the beginning of I.D. This can show
the difference in the two theories and how both were conceived.
Scott, Eugenie Carol, and Glenn Branch. Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design Is
Wrong for Our Schools. Boston: Beacon, 2006. Print.
This source was very useful. It provided a timeline of the development of Intelligent
Design. The timeline is accurate and brings together all of the various events and trials
that surround the evolution and Intelligent Design debate. It also clarifies a couple of
occurrences as well as fully illustrates the rise of ID and what it means for it validity.
Smith, Stan. Ken Miller Refutes the Irreducible Complexity of Mousetraps.avi. YouTube. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.
This is the segment of video that I used in my website. It is a two-minute clip from the
video Evolution: Fossils, Genes, and Mousetraps. I found this useful because I was able
to easily insert it into weebly and it brought the hour long video down to a much more
reasonable length of time.

Alexandra Ballentine

Susan Epperson. Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture. Central Arkansas Library System,
n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2016. <>.
I took a photograph of Susan Epperson from this website. The photo was used on the link
that described the Epperson v. Arkansas court case. I chose to add this picture because
Epperson was the plaintiff in the trial. She was the one to deal with the dilemma that her
school board presented her with, so it was a meaningful picture to include.
"Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism." National Center for Science
Education. NCSE, 14 Feb. 2001. Web. 21 Jan. 2016. <>.
This source summarized some of the major court cases that occurred in the course of the
creationism and Darwinism debate. This was useful for my topic because I was able to
use the short summaries that the website included to provide a similar, short overview for
my own project.
"Tests Used by the Supreme Court in Establishment Clause Cases." First Amendment Schools.
First Amendment Schools, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
This is an article that states and defines the major tests that are used for laws. This is
useful for the main reason that it is difficult to find a summary of 4 legal tests in one
place, without reading law books. It also was a simple summary on the most relevant
tests for intelligent design and Darwinism court cases.

Alexandra Ballentine

The theory of evolution. Aleph's Heretical Domain. Word, 18 June 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.
This image is only of the basic illustration of evolution that shows man becoming
gradually upright. Im using this on the page that explains Darwinism. I think that it is a
good fit because it is one of the most common ways that evolution is portrayed and helps
show what the theory of evolution means.
Trever, John. "Creationist Method." Cartoon. The Cagle Post. Cagle Cartoons, 4 Feb. 2011. Web.
16 Mar. 2016. <>.
This cartoon is poking fun of creationisms method for introducing itself as science. The
cartoon shows evolution as being a shaping of theories to fit the facts. Then, creationism
is shown to take theories and try to find the facts that could support them. This is meant
to illustrate that creationism is not true science.
Villines, Joshua. "Teach Both Theories... Let the Kids Decide." Cartoon. Baptist Life. php BB
Group, 6 May 2008. Web. 6 Mar. 2016 <
This image is implying that teaching ID and Darwinism is the same as teaching physics
and magic. Im planning to use this in my conclusion to support my thesis. It also shows
my belief that ID and creationism are too closely related to ever be truly separated into
two theories; therefore, neither should be taught in schools.
The Wedge. Patheos. Patheos, 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

Alexandra Ballentine

This is a simple illustration that ties together the Wedge Document with the organization
responsible for its origin. Im going to use this on the webpage that explains the Wedge
Strategy because it is a simple image that ties together all of the important pieces of
information about the Wedge Document.
"The Wedge Document." National Center for Science Education. NCSE, 14 Oct. 2008. Web. 24
Jan. 2016. <>.
This was secondary because it is a copy of the famous Wedge Document. This document
is important in the debate because it states goals for intelligent design that are clearly
religious in nature. This, along with other evidence, points to the inference that ID and
creationism are the same and both could have a negative impact on education if
introduced into the curriculum.
Wilkinson, Signe. "To Survive Competitive Darwinism, Our Message Had to Evolve." Cartoon.
The Editorial Cartoons. Cartoonist Group, 15 Nov. 2005. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
I used this cartoon on the page that explained the exchange of ideas between creationism
and ID. This cartoon shows Genesis evolving into creationism, then into ID. I thought
that this was useful because it ties together the changes in message over time as
advocates try to use constitutional theories to remove Darwinism.
Zott, Lynn M., ed. Church and State. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. Print.
This source broke down the laws that surround what can be taught in schools. It
described in simple terms what can and cannot be taught as well as what laws can be

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made. This is very important because it explains the main laws that will eventually bring
the conclusion of my topic towards the teaching of Darwinism, I.D. or both.

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