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My homework

Dear Hector,
Helo. How are you? My big news now is that I just moved to a new
apartment! Do you remember my old house? My old house is too big that
the apartment. For, I now I live alone. My new apartmet has a small livig
room and two bedrooms. However, my old living room were too big, but
now is quiet. Also, there arent enough Windows in the bedrooms, so theyre
too dark. My apartment have too spacious for my alone. There is a kitchen
too small that the house is big. My aparment dont have as many
bathrooms as my old house. The house were enough confortable and the
department is too quiet. Finally, my aparment have as much privacy as my
old house.

Estudent: Alfonso Flix Chabl

Subject: English I
Teacher: Carmita Chi Garca
Horary: 13.00-15:00 pm, the days Tuesday and Thursday.


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