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Ty Schoffstall

Adult Fitness Assessment

One of my weaker areas that I was in the 70% percentile range
was the aerobic fitness test. This was where we had to walk 1 mile. I
walked it in 15:01 and my heart rate after was 128. One way I can
improve in this area is either 5 days a week with moderate activity, or
3-4 days a week with vigorous activity. Each session should be at least
30 minutes long. These type of activities consist of the larger muscle
groups such as arms and legs. Walking, cycling, running, dancing, or
swimming are examples of activities that you could exercise. Moderate
activity should be somewhat hard and elevate your heart rate above
resting levels. Vigorous activity levels your rate higher than
Another area that I was in the 65% percentile was for the
muscular strength area. It was only my situps that were in that area
but everything else was in check. I can improve this by working my
core harder. I can work my core more like 3x a week with the intensity
varying. I can work for doing 3 sets of 25 half sit ups and take a short
rest in between each set. This can happen from having better form for
half situps and just keep gradually adding more exercises and use
equipment like balance balls, barbells or dumblells and elastic tubing.

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